One of the most important books I have read this past year, besides the Holy Bible that is, is E.M. Bounds book titled "Power Through Prayer". How can we expect to know anything in Spirit unless we are walking in the Spirit and tuned into what God is saying to us? Is there anything more important than our relationship with God and being able to talk with Him and hear what He has to say to us as well? No! Come on Church! God said Himself, "My Church shall be called a House of Prayer". God says in Rev.3:20 that He is standing at the door knocking and if we will open the door, He will come in and fellowship with us and we could fellowship with Him. Seems to me that we need to choose to open that door to allow God to dwell in us and in our churches so He can lead us and teach us!
I believe that we have a mandate to bring Prayer back into our own lives and into the lives of the people in our churches. Where are the apostolic leaders who can put God's people to praying? I call them to come to the front to be the fore-runners of this mandate of restoring Prayer to the body of Christ. A praying leader will avail much. The chief ones must come forward to lead in the apostolic effort to root, or plant deeply, the vital importance and fact of the power through prayer in our lives and in the church. Only praying leaders and have praying followers. Praying Apostles will beget Praying Church Pastors. Praying Church Pastors will beget Praying Lay Leaders, Praying Lay Leaders in the Church will beget Praying People in the pews. A Praying Church will be blessed by God and will see great results in the Kingdom work.
God needs someone who will step up to be the fore-runners in this mandate to set the saints to this business of praying and becoming a "House of Prayer" as God would have us to be. A church without walls. Who will restore this breach? He who can set the church to praying will be the greatest of reformers and apostles. Will you be that one?
Let's pray without ceasing that God's promise concerning the results of prayer will come to fruition beyond what we have even hoped for. Blessings to you all. I pray that you will accept the call.