EVERY ROSE HAS IT'S THORNS                                        4-22-2011 (Good Friday)

Yesterday my son told me that his best friend's mom (which is a sister in Christ and friend) had gotten me something and that he had forgotten to bring it to me. He told me that he would get it and bring it to me that evening. I thought, "how sweet of her". And that's really all I thought about it at the time. I went on my way.

Last week a friend ask me to join her and some others at NLCF (in which I have been attending) for worship and intercession  . The Pastor and leaders had asked some of the intercessors to come pray and bring flags. I was excited to go. I have a certain flag that is a deep bluish purple color. I guess you might call it indigo. I found that the color related to the curtain; the veil in the temple. This was a color in the curtain red, blue and purple. And I looked it all up and found that it was to mean "covering".  I remembered this scripture

Hebrews 10:19-21
19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,
20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh,
21 and having a High Priest over the house of God,

I see here that the veil is His flesh. And how it relates to the color of the flag and how it represents my covering; Him being my covering!!

I arrived at NLCF and entered the sanctuary to join the others. I told my friend what I thought the flag meant, covering. I sat down and started meditating on the Lord. I asked Him what He wanted me to pray and what color flag He wanted me to wave. As I prayed, a few words came in tongues. I kept repeating the words. I asked God "what am I saying, Lord?" I heard Him say, "it's in the blood". I got so excited I jumped up and told my friend that I heard, "it's in the blood". I didn't have a red flag but my friend offered me hers. I just didn't have peace about the red flag. That bluish purple one kept jumping out at me. I picked it up and waved it a little and walked around just listening for God's voice. 

He began to explain to me that the color that I had was the color of blood before it come out of the body, before the oxygen hits it. And He began to say that there is life in the blood and continued saying that everything that we need is in the blood. So I had new meaning to what this flag represented. I knew that it represented a "covering" and now I knew that it represented His blood. I worshipped and prayed "it's in the blood" waving the flags for a while. 

I sat down again and continued to pray in tongues. I asked Him again, "what do these tongues mean?" I heard Him say, "every rose has it's thorns". I thought, "okay, mmm so what does that mean?" I left it at that and continued in intercession and worship with the others as God began to move and His presence became thick. Finally, it did have to end and I came home.

When I arrived at home after putting my son in his crib I found a letter wrapped around a package which was a climbing rose bush to plant. The letter said "I have been meaning to get you this rose for a while now, I finally did!" It went on to say, "I want you to plant this in memory of your mom. I know losing my mom was the hardest thing I ever went thru. Please know my prayers are with you and yours always. Love, Windy." I thought Wow, how awesome is that. My mom loved roses, there were over two hundred roses at her funeral. One of the songs that was sang was "Roses will bloom again". But God reminded me of what He had spoken to me. "Every rose has it's thorns." After that, I was tired and went to bed.

The next morning God began to bring it back up. I heard "every rose has it's thorns" over and over. I asked God, "what are You trying to say in this Lord?" I started googling roses, and thorns and how it all compared to Jesus. I finally came to this scripture

Song of Solomon 2:1-2
I am the rose of Sharon,
And the lily of the valleys.
2 Like a lily among thorns,
So is my love among the daughters

"Okay, Lord now You really have my attention". I kept digging and seaching. I found out that the actual flower that Solomon was writing about was the exact same color of the flag, bluish purple; indigo. The rose was the best interpretation from Hebrew to English. So I kept digging and I found that the reason a rose has thorns is to protect it. It is a defense mechanism for the rose. It's petals are so delicate that if handled roughly it will die. So, I have came to several conclusions.

1. The covering; protection is in His blood

2. I am protected by the thorns which is His love....."Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters"

    Absolutely nothing can touch His love for His daughters!!!!     His Bride!!!

3. The crown of thorns represents His divine protection and His love is a shield around us.

Psalm 5:12 
For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous;
With favor (delight, acceptance, pleasure) You will surround him as with a shield.

4. Jesus looks at me; at us, His daughters as a rose, delicate and beloved; His bride; the church

     He is the thorns, our covering, our protection.

5. The crown of thorns (love) on the head (Christ) flowed down blood (covering; protection; acceptance; delight)
     and it flows from the head down the body, that is the Church, His bride!! Glory to God!!!

6. And surely Jesus was handled roughly and died.

Isaiah 53
4 Surely He has borne our griefs
And carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him stricken,
Smitten by God, and afflicted.
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

I know that I am barely scratching the surface here. But I had to get it down while it was coming fresh.

What timing!! The rose bush,  the flags,  the intercession,  Good Friday...when He was laid in the tomb, Easter... the greatest celebration in Christianity, even the fact that we are in a new church, which is a covering also.

And especially the words written in the note which are very personal to me from my Lover, my Husband, my Rose, Jesus Himself, The Beautiful One,

""I have been wanting to get you this rose for a while now. I finally did!"' 



Kim Land


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