Perceptions: Life Must Be Found


Perceptions: Life Must Be Found

By: Alan Smith


·        Romans 1:16-17: This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven-makes us right in God's sight-when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scripture says it, "The man who finds life will find it through trusting God."  (TLB)

What a perception, don’t you think?  How can you be alive and still need to find life?  Could there be more to life than just living?  Here is another one of the secrets of the Kingdom of God.  The man or woman who “finds life” must have a desire for “real life”.  I am not talking about the pleasures of life or self gratification; no, not at all.  To find “more life” means to discover and perform physically, mentally, and spiritually what God has placed inside of you to be and to do.  You know, that part of you that has never been truly expressed.  It is your “inner being” crying out to create something.  You can feel it from deep within you.  Perhaps you have managed to shut down this voice crying from within your soul.  This creative voice which God has put down in the depths of your soul is His voice calling you to come and create with Him.  He is not calling you to recreate what others have already created.  No, He is calling you to come and create with Him.  He is not asking you to sacrifice life and die.  No, He is calling you to start “living more life”.  Before we move on in this thought, ask yourself these two questions.  Are you trying to find “more life” through competitive games with people?  Or are you seeking “more life” by being a creative thinker under the influence of the Kingdom of God?  You must put your “faith and trust in Christ” that His sacrifice was and is the only sacrifice that is needed to save mankind from destructive thinking.  You must stop dying and start living.  You are not the “sacrifice” for man; only Christ could perform this task.  God does not want you to sacrifice yourself for others.  This sacrifice has already been made.  He truly wants you to start living.  Let’s look at this thought more closely.


·        1 Corinthians 15:37: When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. (NIV)

In this scripture you can see that Christ was the “seed” which had to be sown into the earth and die.  You are to be the fruit of Him being sown and you are to live!  As this fruit, He wants you to “find life”, “live life” and then “give life” to others.  So how can you “give life” away unless you are “finding life” through trusting God and the finished work of Christ, the sacrifice for the world?  God wants you to live life fully, with much joy and abundance.  It is then that you can give out of this substance of the Kingdom of God.  You know you have received this revelation of living life fully when you desire for everyone to have this same experience.  You must always remember that God wants all of His creation to discover the true reason for existing.


Is your experience of “finding life” one that you could recommend to others, or are you living a life of competitiveness with people, instead of creativeness with God?  A competitive life will take away and give it unto itself; but a creative life will bless others and in turn be blessed itself.  When you are “finding life” and giving it away, all will be blessed.  No one has to lose to be blessed when God gives away “more life”.  You must stop these thoughts of competition for what has already been created and trust God for new creativity and life in you.  When you gain “more life” from a selfish motive, it is never satisfactory or permanent.  This competitive motive will be conquered tomorrow by another and all that was gained will be lost.  To “find more life” you must “give more life”.  It is in the “giving” that you “find”.  You do not have to take advantage of anyone to gain more life.  On the contrary, you must bless others in order to receive blessing.


You are to create and give away.  In doing this you must understand that this creative supply has no end.  In fact, you are to create with God and not compete with Satan.  Once you enter into competitive thinking with the enemy, you have entered into his game.  This will shut down all creativity in your life.  Once you fall into competitive thinking, all creative thinking will stop.  It is imperative that you rise above this low thinking which comes from the competitive nature of Satan, and have a higher standard of thinking which comes from the creative nature of the Kingdom of God.  Satan has been defeated.  Why do you act like this is not true?  All he can do is seduce you into competing with him and others in all of your thoughts.  You then enter into a war that has already been won; and the victory of Christ has no affect for you are fighting just the same.


When you battle the enemy, you are always taking inventory of your visible supply: a very selfish way of thinking.  When you think creatively, you are always looking unto the limitless supply of your God: a very unselfish way of thinking.  When you start “finding more life” from God, it is because you trust that His ways are true, and in turn, more life is produced in you to give away.  Remember, there is an endless supply of creativity.  This “more life” can have many different forms and values.  It can be more joy, more patience, more love, more laughter, more giving: a higher way of thinking.  It can even be a better attitude or more money with which you can bless others.  When you truly find “more life” in God, all of your creative thinking will bless yourself as well as others.  You will be able to give more to every man than you take from him.  In other words, when you work for someone, you will give more of your labor and attention to him than that for which he is paying you.  This in return will bless you beyond measure.  When you deal with others, you must ask yourself, “Is this going to bless him more than it will me”?  If the answer is “yes”, then this is creative thinking.  Creative thinking will add “more life” to your living.  When you arise to this heavenly thinking, you have left the competitive realm and moved into the creative realm.  It is here that you will find “more life”.  When you give every man more than you take, you are then adding “more life” upon the face of the earth.


So ask yourself, will you let your “light shine” in a dark place?  Sure, there is darkness all around, but “real life” which comes from God’s secret Kingdom will quench any darkness when it enters the room.  The powers of this dark world are always whispering to you depression, guilt, anger, despair, lack, or pride.  They will try to convince you that others have taken all you were to have in this life; that there is nothing left for you.  Let me tell you the truth: this is a lie!  How can others take what has not been created yet?  This is a new day waiting to be created.  I encourage you to trust God, for He is waiting to create this day with you.  It cannot be stolen, for it is waiting to be created.  Again I say “Trust God” and His Kingdom, for His Kingdom is not of this world.  It is waiting to be experienced by the expression of “more life”.  Come near to God and trust Him for His arms are open, just waiting for you to speak to Him.  He will then open your spirit and say “Come”.  Remember, His arms are always open and they are the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Run unto Him and “find more life”.




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  • Thought this article was one of your best, especially the part of battling the enemy..I think we all have done that.This is a part of what I call "living life each day on purpose" and "stealing your time by seizing the day" and  by doing so we truly "find life" and start really living. Loved the way this was presented with such revelation and clarity!

  • I love it I love and miss you!

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