Perception; Not Moving? Find the Anchors.
Do you find yourself not moving in your life? You know, you can feel the wind of life blowing but you just are not going anywhere? It seems everyone around you is moving forward and they are successful with experiencing their dreams. Do you feel like your life is running behind schedule and that you are too late to have your desires and dreams come true? Well take heart my dear friend for it is not too late. It is never too late to do what you have been created to be and do. All of heaven is just waiting for you to become the ultimate creation that God has birthed you to be. The cloud of witnesses are surrounding you and they are praying for your victory and not defeat. What in the world keeps us from reaching these promises of heaven you might ask?
- Heb 12:1-2 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, NKJV
Ps 107:23-28 Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business on great waters, they see the works of the Lord, And His wonders in the deep. For He commands and raises the stormy wind, which lifts up the waves of the sea. They mount up to the heavens, they go down again to the depths; their soul melts because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end. Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses. NKJV |
Will you cry out to the Lord? Consider this, your life is like a sailing vessel, called a Galleon and the ocean is the world. A Galleon was used for commerce as well as war. They were built for the new great ocean voyages of the day. Galleons were so versatile that they could be refitted in only days for a wartime event. There maneuverability was unprecedented for their size and they were very stable in the water when in top condition. The Galleon had no oars and was powered entirely by the wind. They were unbelievably durable in battle and were known for surviving the most incredible storms. Galleons were known for always making the voyage home.
The greatest danger to this mighty sailing ship was when there was no wind at all. It was then that death could come to the mighty warship. It was “dead in the water” and could be destroyed very easily. Also with “dead wind” the water supply would not be replenished from the rains of the storms. So therefore the crew would die of thirst. Does your life feel like you are dead in the water? Do you need a fresh drink of the water of the Holy Spirit? Are you right in the middle of a storm? Well come on saints of God raise your sails and let’s get on with it. It is only when you have released your sails that you have prepared yourself to move forward as the great winds of the storms begin to blow. Remember we have prayed for the big winds of the Spirit to come we just did not know that the wind was found inside of the storm. Take advantage of the storm of life. Do not let the wind of the Spirit that is found within it go unharnessed.
Would you like to feel the wind of the Spirit upon your life again? The question is, will you take a chance once again to find the wind of the Spirit within the storm? Through your life, have you released your spiritual sails to catch the wind of the Spirit only to have the mast and sails destroyed? Yes, we all have but we must understand that we have prayed for this mighty wind to come. When sailing the galleons, the winds from the great storms were always the best winds. The winds of these storms can create great speed for the ship but can also cause great destruction to the ship if the winds are not handled properly. I remember watching a movie called Master and Commander. In the movie the ship was in a great storm and a mast was broken and fell over board. This mast was rigged with many ropes so even though it fell over board it was still attached to the ship. The large mast, even though a vital part of the ship at one time, was now acting like a large anchor dragging the ship to destruction. A decision had to be made very quickly or it would surely cause the ship to capsize. With great commitment and persistence the captain pulled out his sword and started cutting the ropes. He knew if he did not act quickly the once important mast would be the death of everyone. This is such a picture of our lives. Do you have things that were once vital to you but now they are acting like an anchor in your life? You must “cut the ropes” to the anchors of your past for they will surely cause your life to capsize. The writer of Hebrews tells us to lay aside every weight . Come on just “CUT THE ROPES” and let yourself move freely once again. Just think, Jesus came and died so your “anchors” of the past could be cut lose. Take the sword of the Spirit and cut them lose and let the wind of the Spirit of God take you to your next destination. When the wind of the Spirit begins to blow there will be storms coming upon the horizon of your life. Do not fear for the wind will start coming even before the storm. If you are in a storm now raise your sails and catch the wind. The wind of the Spirit of God is greater than the storm. It is in the storm that the wind of God resides. Trust Him for He will take care of you. Just let the wind of His Spirit take you where it pleases Him.