Over the Mountains
Even if you are presently in the deepest fog of pain, shame, despair, fear, confusion, lack or sadness, He is coming over the mountain, running to you. Over the valley, through the dark of night; faith gives clarity to my heart-sight. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!
Through the eyes of faith, I can see all and who I am presently agonizing over turning and running to jump heart-first into His waiting embrace. The prevenient grace of God (that part of God’s Grace which draws us to him) will not be denied—His great, unconditional, patient love will finish all He started concerning you before the dawn of eternity.
Anchor all of your faintest hopes in the surety of His completed Calvary, blood washed embrace! Simply open wide the ears and arms of your heart afresh to Him and him alone. He is all and in all and he is always more than sufficient for all that will ever concern you. Over the mountains, He comes running…Ron Ross