Our Daily Bread

'Anyone who has spent any time at all listening to the Father, really listening and therefore learning, comes to me to be taught personally--to see it with his own eyes, hear it with his own ears, from me, since I have it firsthand from the Father...I told you earlier that no one is capable of coming to me on his own. You get to me as a gift from the Father.' John 6:44,45,65-The Message.

Jesus, the Bread of Heaven, is a gift from the Father. The Father himself draws us to Jesus everyday to feed us with sustaining and nurturing bread from Heaven.

Jesus then continuously baptizes us with His Holy Spirit, empowering us to live His abundant life! These are not leftovers-they are new every morning. Our part is to listen, really listen from our heart. As we daily listen; we learn.

Then the most amazing miracle takes place-what we hear daily from Papa becomes food for all those in our sphere of influence.

The lives we touch when we are fed from Jesus, Holy Spirit and His Father, are taught the good news of The Gospel of Grace. You and I are firsthand accounts and testaments of His Grace. No one is capable of coming to Jesus on his own-they are drawn as a gift from the Father through "The Message" of His life in and through us. Wow, what an honor to represent Jesus!
Ron Ross

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