Order out of chaos

As we look at Genesis 1:1, we see that God the creator, created the Heavens and the Earth. Then you look at John 1:1, and you see that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God, being the spoken word created all things from the unseen realm.
The name of God used in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim. When you look up the meaning of Elohim at the Jewish virtual library, you see that Elohim is used in scripture, when emphasizing God’s might, His creative power and His attributes of justice and rulership. When you look in the Strong’s Concordance at the word created (1254) the Hebrew word is bara, which means to create but also in the definition is choose. God chose to create the Heavens and the Earth.
When you look at Heaven in the Strong’s Concordance under 8064, you see that part of the definition is the invisible realm of God. God chose to create Heaven and Earth from the invisible realm, where He is seated. Part of the definition of Earth (776) in the Strong’s Concordance, we see the totality of creation. God chose to create the totality of creation from the invisible realm. In Hebrews 11:3 out of the Complete Jewish Bible, we read that God created the universe through the spoken word. God choose to create the totality of creation from the invisible realm through His spoken word.
In Genesis 1:2, it states that the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. In the Strong’s Concordance under form (8414), we see the earth was empty and was confused. Under void, 922 in the Strong’s Concordance, we see the earth was in a state of total chaos. So, the earth was empty and confused and in a total state of chaos. When you look under darkness (2822) in the Strong’s Concordance, we see the earth was full of gloom, despair, terror and ignorance. So, the earth was empty, confused, full of gloom, despair, terror, ignorance and was in a total state of chaos. In that chaos, Elohim God brought forth life and structure through His spoken word (John 1:1).
If we look at chaos, you can always find God hovering over the situation to bring life. You can see this in the life of Job. God creates structure out of chaos, He brings peace out of chaos. We as a people have to quiet ourselves and listen for the still small voice that is giving us direction within the chaos.

Rick McGhee

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