Open Arms and the Anointing

“Open Arms and the Anointing”

By: Alan Smith


  • Luke 8:40: On the other side of the lake the crowds received him with open arms, for they had been waiting for him.

Have you ever had someone extend unto you their “open arms”?  I am sure this is a rare occasion for most.  With an invitation of “open arms”, life is given forth.  When we experience “open arms”, we feel very safe and welcomed with love.  We see in this verse that when Jesus got to the other side of the lake, He was greeted by the crowds with “open arms”.  I believe that the crowds were just imitating the Lord.  What does this mean?  This means that their hearts were open to receiving the Lord.  It is one thing to greet the Lord with “open arms”, but it is another to greet someone we think less of with “open arms”: but isn’t this what Jesus would do?  Wouldn’t it be great to have an “open arms” policy in our homes and churches today?  More importantly, though, do we give the Lord “open arms” into our lives?


Let’s stop for a moment.  Just picture yourself with “open arms”.  Close your eyes and imagine with me for a moment.  Come on; it won’t hurt.  Can you see yourself?  Isn’t this an incredible language of love?  It is amazing how this small act of kindness will cut through the hurting hearts of many.  Sometimes we think if we could just be a great speaker or preacher we could really help people from all of the pain that comes through life’s circumstances.  Let me suggest to you that “open arms” are one of the greatest weapons in fighting spiritual warfare.  It is this incredible act of love and kindness that can set the captive free and mend broken hearts.  Do you really want to be the arms of Christ?  Do you really want to feel the anointing that flowed from the arms of our Savior?  Just be His arms and open them to the broken hearted and feel heaven flow through you to someone.  Let His healing touch flow through you unto a hurting world.  We do not need more religion; we just need more “open arms” to be extended to those that need His touch.


Also consider that “open arms” are a type of worship.  When we worship with “open arms” we release unto the Lord our friendship and love toward Him.

  • Ps 63:4: I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

As we lift up our hands in worship to our Lord, we see that we are in the”open arms” position.  We see that we are not only worshiping our Lord, but we are also inviting Him into our hearts and lives even more.  This is a two way spiritual transaction.  We worship Him and He in turn comes to us.  He is in heaven with “open arms” to us and we are on earth with “open arms” to Him.  Then we will run to Him and He will run to us.  Is it possible for us to be an army going into the field of battle and our only weapons are our “open arms”?  Do you really think the enemy would be expecting these types of weapons?  I think not.  He is not prepared nor equipped with any such weapons of retaliation.  Perhaps the church could be a people that would leave the walls of our buildings, and with open arms, pick up those that have fallen into despair and hopelessness.  Can we be like the song below that Michael W. Smith wrote entitled “Open Arms”?  Can we be a people where our love knows no boundaries?  Can we be a people that are never judging, but always loving?  Can we really show the lost the cross?  The answer is yes we can.  Let’s just do it. 




 Open Arms youtube

“Open Arms”

Many people in the steeple
But no one leaves the walls
Quick to stand and speak
All of their beliefs
Quick to leave you if you fall

Tell me where's the love
It knows no boundaries
Tell me where's the love
Yeah, Yeah
Open arms
We need to be
Open arms

Never judging
Always loving
Needs to be what we become
Lifting up the lost
Showing them the cross
Shining brightly like the sun

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