One Touch
By: Alan Smith
- Matt 9:20-22: Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, "If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. (NIV)
Have you ever felt like this woman? You know; if you could just receive one little touch from God? If God would only touch your pain or your disappointment or your sickness, you would be healed. I have noticed that most people, if not all, have felt this need before. This woman had a need and she knew if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed. He didn’t speak to her, so why did she have any reason to believe that touching His garment would change her situation? There had to be something in Jesus that was drawing this woman to Him. This is so amazing to me: something very special was drawing her to Jesus. Could it be that His love was exceeding His message? Could it be that without even speaking, the love of God so filled Jesus and so penetrated His garment that it permeated throughout the crowd to this woman? His love enveloped the crowd and reached out and touched her. She pressed through the crowd and knew that not only touching Him would change her; but if she could just encounter His love, she would be healed.
Sometimes we think if we could just hear the correct words or if we could just say the right prayer that our pain and disappointment or our fear and shame would be gone. This woman may have felt this way too at one time; but it appears, at this point in the scripture, that she was very desperate in her situation. She knew that she needed more than a good sermon; she needed a touch from heaven. She knew that just one touch from Jesus would be her answer. She stepped out in faith, not knowing what He would do, but totally expecting a touch from Him to make her whole.
Do your circumstances seem hopeless? Do you need a touch from God today? What if you step out by faith right now, just like this woman, and try touching the hem of His garment? You know; not just talk about it, but actually do it. He won’t disappoint you. He is pleading with you to step out by faith in your circumstances and touch the hem of His garment. He longs for you to trust Him this deeply. Even more, can you see that He also longs to press through your madness to reach out and touch your garment with His love and make you whole? Just reach out and touch Him, and in so doing, let Him touch you! Let’s try it now and go to this youtube website, just ask Jesus to touch you. He is waiting on you to press through the crowd with your desperate need. Go ahead; press through and reach out right now and touch his cloak in prayer. Come on—reach out and touch Him! But remember, this is a daily reaching out. You must daily reach out by faith and touch the hem of His garment to receive His “One Touch” for today.
Thank you and blessings in the name of our Lord.