Caution: This year may have some stressful times. Yaws think! Here are some instructions for stressful moments, days, weeks…whoa now; let’s just plan ahead for moments and nip it in the bud! In times of stress; dive into, hide in, throw yourself at, and/or run to Jesus. But how do we do this?
Once again, I find myself standing next to David, as close as I can get. He definitely experienced times of intense, seemingly endless stress. At this point it may be helpful to know that most of what causes stress is imagined, not real. What? Are you crazy, you say? I’m going to let David answer that question.
“I run to you, God; I run for dear life. Don’t let me down! Take me seriously this time!” Psalm 31:1 (The Message) Excuse me David for a moment; I’ll get right back to you. Now why do you suppose David had to add, ‘take me seriously this time’? Was it because God blew him off at earlier times of stress or trouble? We have all consciously or unconsciously accused God as guilty of blowing us off—not caring. Yes we have.
His next statement reveals the key to dealing with our ‘narcissistic’ (self-focused) approach to God. You know when we come to him half broken and also half judging him of not caring or understanding our predicament. After all, he hasn’t had to endure this unjust, mean, cold world. Wait a minute now; think about these empty accusations in light of Calvary.
Let’s get back to David. Remember, he had just said; ‘take me seriously this time.’ Next he reveals the secret to dealing with all stress, false accusations, troubles; real or imagined, rejections; real or imagined. You might want to take a silent retreat and journal about his next statement.
“Get down on my level and listen, and please—no procrastination” Psalm 31:2a (The Message) My initial reaction to David’s cry is; ‘what a baby and whiner’. Set yourself apart from your judging ID (that part of your flesh which is always right). Get into your inner child and recklessly jump into Papa’s arms. That’s what David did. That’s the essence of authentic faith! And that is the antidote to the poison of stressors in our lives.
In the original text there is a view of Papa’s heart toward us like nothing most ever experience, apart from having the troubles which motivate us to run to him in childlike abandon. David shows that God comes down to our level. He literally leans down toward our cry with an attentiveness and tender care that can be known nowhere else. He listens compassionately and patiently (since this may be the thirteenth time today we came running to him in this manner).
God always gets down on our level in order to lift us up to his level. Oh what love, what tender care, what mercy, what sublime glory? And there is no procrastination! What seems like hesitation is simply the patient love that waits for us to come in childlike humility and the fragile faith of trusting him as a Father.
“I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul. You have not handed me over to my enemies but have set me in a safe place. Have mercy on me Lord, for I am in distress. Tears blur my eyes. My body and soul are withering away.” Psalm 31:7-9 (NLT)
Nothing else will suffice in these times. He will hide us in the rest, peace and grace of his love while we are going through stressful circumstances. “Your granite cave a hiding place, your high cliff aerie a place of safety. You’re my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb. Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide. Free me from hidden traps, I want to hide in you. I’ve put my life in your hands. You want drop me, you’ll never let me down.” Psalm 31:2-5 (The Message)
There’s one more key. “I hate all this silly religion, but God, I trust.” Psalm 31:6 (The Message) If we are to first run to him in abandoned trust we must be done with ‘silly religion.’ What does David define as silly religion? Could it be our steps, principles, religious practices, and idolatrous ways of approaching God? Could ‘silly religion’ be our sanctimonious rules or laws that vainly attempt to govern our behavior? Ten steps to freedom. Whatever....
Once freed of our narcissist or silly religious approach to life’s stressors we can approach life according to David’s simple formula. “I’m (we’re) leaping and singing in the circle of your love.” Psalm 31:7a (The Message) Have you noticed how anything that has to do with Jesus ends up in his love? Leap and sing in the circle of his love! Stop your stress and struggles in their tracks! Get into; no, dive into the circle of his love. Look for the circle of his love to be drawn around all of your life!
In the grip of the gracious circle of his love, Ron Ross