Nurtured by Unfiltered and Readied Hearts
Matt. 13:11f “The disciples came up and asked, “Why do you tell stories?” He replied, “You’ve been given insight (God-sight) into God’s Kingdom.”
(I want you to gain fresh insight—God-sight—“into” My Kingdom…I do not want you to continue to tell others “about” My Kingdom; that only becomes “knowledge” that puffs up…insight “into” My Kingdom changes hearts and enables a true and fresh hearing.)
“You know how My Kingdom works. Not everyone has this gift, this insight; it hasn’t been given to them. Whenever someone has a ready heart for this, the insights and understandings flow freely.” (I want
you to gain fresh insight into a “Kingdom ready heart”—a heart that is unfiltered and emptied of worldly or self kingdom influence, bias and/or perspective.) The Message, emphasis and parenthesis mine.
The Kingdoms of this world are now shaking violently, just as it was prophesied in Hebrews 12:26-29. “My voice is shaking the earth…” All that you see; the unrelenting calamities on every level, (financial, political,
physical, religious, social, cultural…) are the result of MY VOICE shaking all of this world system and the heavens. In a readied heart the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ will remain. There the insights and understandings will flow freely, no matter the shaking.
All that is yet mixed and polluted in you will be shaken until only My Kingdom remains. But you must anchor your life in my hope! This anchor steadies a readied heart. This heart can see clearly through the thin veil thatlay between the present “shaking” and the coming “outpouring”. An outpouring such as the world has never seen. Place your hearts before me now like never before. “Watch over your hearts with all diligence, for from them flow the issues of life.” Proverbs 23:6. May this present shaking unveil and reveal fresh
dreams that will rival all of your best memories!
In the grip of Papa’s steady and sure “hope-filled” grace, Ron Ross