“There is no more wasting time. The days are nearly over—our Groom is quickly coming! He greets us with a kiss…He proclaims you have been chosen, for such a time as this.” Heather Clark
Jesus is coming back soon-that we are surer of than any time in history! This is the time to draw closer to our lover. I am convinced that we will not survive the times that are upon us without an intimacy like we’ve not known or experienced previously.
The scriptures warn, “In the last days the love of many will wax cold.” You and I hold the key of responding to His kisses—this is our only hope of not being swept away into the abyss of coldness, unresponsiveness and hardness. He is constantly wooing us into his embrace. Is my heart tender enough to readily respond?
“His words are kisses, his kisses are words. Everything about him delights me, thrills me through and through. That’s my lover…I am my lover’s and he is mine. He caresses the sweet smelling flowers…” Song of Songs 5:16, The Message. These are the words of a heart enraptured by Jesus. Are they my/your heart kisses in response to his advances toward us?
“Your beauty is too much for me—I’m in over my head. I’m not used to this! I can’t take it in…your smile is generous and full—expressive and strong and clean…There’s no one like (you) her on earth, never has been, never will be…Has anyone ever seen anything like this—dawn-fresh, moon lovely, sun-radiant, ravishing as the night sky with its galaxies of stars?One day I went strolling through the orchard looking for signs of spring, looking for buds about to burst into flower, anticipating readiness, ripeness. Before I knew it my heart was raptured, carried away by lofty thoughts!” Song of Songs 6:4,6,8,10,11 &12, The Message, parenthesis mine.
These are the kisses and words of Jesus toward you and me. These are the thoughts he has toward us continually. Never a thought or word of displeasure, disdain, shame, rejection or regret crosses his lips toward us!
Look into his eyes of continuous desire and love. Let the fire of his passion hold your attention and make you undivided in your response to him! His “love is invincible-facing danger and death. Passion laughs at the terrors of hell. The fire of love stops at nothing—it sweeps everything before it (like a tsunami of passionate grace and love). Flood waters can’t drown love; torrents of rain can’t put it out. Love can’t be bought, love can’t be sold—it’s not to be found in the marketplace.” Song of Songs 8:6b-7a, The Message, parenthesis mine.
The passion required for this day is not to be found in religious traditions, the marketplaces of the world or even in altruistic good intentions. It is only found in his daily, moment by moment words of kisses toward us. This very moment he is kissing you with his passionate words of love and purpose. You have been chosen for such a time as this! There is only one right response; kiss Jesus back! Worship him whose love for you is eternally constant and true!
In the grip of his passionate kisses, Ron Ross
Ditto ;) Thanks for reminding us of the great romance and our right response to the lover of our souls.
Good to have you back. Great word.