Nurtured by An Epiphany Heart





Nurtured by An Epiphany Heart

Continuing our theme of looking at the heart that Jesus has given us, we need to discuss a heart that can process and impart an epiphany-An Epiphany Heart. But first, let’s define the word 'epiphany'. The most useful definition is …"a sudden intuitive perception or an insight into the reality or essential meaning of something. An 'epiphany' is usually initiated by something simple--a common place occurrence or experience" Webster Dictionary. 

An 'epiphany' is best processed on a heart level. It is 'truth' unveiled by Holy Spirit through intuitive perception. Epiphanies come to us wrapped in common place occurrences-usually born in simple experiences? Our job is to learn how to unwrap them. Simply stated; can you be surprised by Holy Spirit? He most often offers an 'epiphany' within the simple experiences of life? This implies that we not seek for revelation, insight and perception at the level of the intellect; rather, from the heart Jesus gave us...

God desires that we maintain an open and teachable heart-a heart that can be surprised and/or molded by Him. It is amazing how He uses the simple experiences and occurrences of our life to teach us a truth we couldn’t get otherwise. A conversation with God that invites you into His story…will give you an epiphany! Dr. Larry Crabb.

“God says we are created to live between two epiphanies. You have no higher calling in this life than to reveal the beauty of My Grace until the beauty of my glory fills your heart with joy forever.”

“My High calling; the vision I am about to set before you, corresponds perfectly to your deepest desire-relational reality. True and/or authentic Kingdom relationships provide the necessary framework for 'My' community. 'My' community (which is shared between myself, Jesus, Holy Spirit, you and the significant others I bring into your life); functions best according to the design I make known in your heart during 'epiphanies'. I alone can build the Kingdom relationships you so desperately need. This heart communication between you and Me will also release the power you need to live unto My calling, to live the way you most want to live.”

Sociably pleasant Christianity is no Christianity at all. It aims to low. It fails to reveal the beauty of grace. Aim yourself and your friends toward becoming a community where men and women long to live well between these two epiphanies. The way you live will reveal the beauty of grace-energized relating until the beauty of glory-filled community can be enjoyed forever.”

The whole heart Jesus wants to give us is broken and humble before Him-this heart is teachable. The two epiphanies described by Dr. Crabb, are life lived between a heart that reveals the beauty of grace-energized relating until the beauty of glory-filled community can be experienced and enjoyed forever.

Just think of the joy of having the constant blessing of a heart that believes ‘My’ loving grace trumps dysfunctional learned ways of relating. . Is your heart for grace-energized relating until glory filled community can be enjoyed forever?

A heart that is for grace-energized relating is uniquely Christian and must become the way we are seen by the world. Our hearts must become grace-filled while hoping for glory-filled community. Otherwise, our relational reality will be seen as no different from any other religion or unbeliever’s relational experience. And in many cases is seen as the opposite of grace-filled and glory-filled.

God forbid that we not have a grace-filled or glory-filled epiphany in our hearts. The world; touched by our life, deserves to have a living example of how Christ relates by grace-energized reality and glory filled expectancy. Be nurtured by 'My' heart epiphanies. See and live life from the unique perspective of 'My' heart.

In the grip of Papa’s grace and glory, Ron Ross




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  • Where there is Grace, there is Glory!!!!


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