Do you live in a “NOW” faith? Honestly, I am prone to living ‘unconscious’ to my faith more often than I want to admit. I’ve discovered a spiritual reality that I don’t like while it’s happening. Shaking, trials, temptations and tribulations awaken me again to my personal life of faith. After the awakening I am again acutely focused on the wonderful gift of faith that Jesus shares with all who would receive.
“NOW” faith brings the promise of immediate release within everyone’s reach! Jesus Christ makes it possible for all to believe what God believes concerning their righteousness and restored innocence. Now faith is his faith within our heart! It’s a faith that sets us free to living in abundant life-His life! A faith that daily releases us from the demands of the ‘law’. Hallelujah!
“NOW” faith is my faith! It is entirely unique to my faith story. It replaces vicarious faith. Which can only borrow from the faith story of others. It’s great to be inspired by the faith of others. But, instead of borrowing we must embrace the fiercely intimate faith that Jesus gifts to all his followers. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (all).” (Galatians 2:20, NIV)
4:5 Jesus’ mandate was to rescue humanity from the regime of the law of performance and announce the revelation of their true sonship in God.
4:6 To seal our sonship God has commissioned the Spirit of sonship to resonate the Abba echo in our hearts; and now, in our innermost being we recognize him as our true and very dear Father.
5:1 Christ defines your faith; he is your freedom from anything the law could never free you from! Find your firm footing in this freedom. Do not let religion trip you up again and harness you to a system of rules and regulations! (Galatians 4:4-9 and 5:1, Mirror Bible).
When we live by “NOW” faith our past struggles become present ‘trophies of grace’. Trophies that we can present to our future. Telling our future to embody hope, purpose and destiny. And reassuring our hearts that nothing can or will separate us from the love of God. This “NOW” gift of faith empowers us to receive everything needed for life and Godliness. Ron Ross