NEW podcast published today about the book of Revelation by Alan Smith!
We have come to learn through the study of Revelation that the seven churches being written to are a picture of seven kinds of churches you can find at any age at any time of history from the early church to now. Knowing that helps to tell us where we are in the timeline. They also hold a personal application, and it is up to us to discover which church speaks to our lives. In this teaching, the last two of the seven churches are covered; the church in Philadelphia and the church in Laodicea. The church in Philadelphia is known as the faithful church, trusting Christ tremendously and doing nothing out of their own strength. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have the church in Laodicea, a people led church that carries with it a sense of entitlement. Alan Smith explores these two churches in greater detail and leaves us asking ourselves one important question: which church are we trying to pattern ourselves after?
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