NEW podcast published today on the book of Revelation by Alan Smith!
The focus of this teaching is the revelation that we are the reputation of Christ. With the use of symbols through chapters 11 and 12, we come to understand what that actually means. In chapter 11, John writes of lightning, voices, thundering, and an earthquake; all symbols Alan Smith deciphers for us to see how they can be used to signify what we should experience if we live as a representation of Jesus. Transitioning into chapter12, John writes of a new set of visions which form a parentheses in between the seven trumpets and seven bowls. Five key people are introduced who will play an important role in the great tribulation. We read of the woman, the great red dragon, the man child, Michael and his angels, and the remnants of a woman’s seed. What do each of these people represent? What role do they play in the representation of Christ? Using scripture to interpret scripture, Alan Smith leads us through the teaching answering those questions.
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