NEW podcast published today on the book of Revelation by Alan Smith!
Chapter 10 is a parenthetical between the judgments of the sixth and seventh trumpets. Parenthetical scripture is placed in the middle of the flow of the story. It reveals to us a mystery or a secret from God. In this chapter, three mysteries are presented; the mystery of the mighty angel, the mystery of God of which the angel proclaims, and the mystery of the little scroll. John gives a description of the angel of the Lord he saw coming down from Heaven proclaiming that when the seventh trumpet blows, the mystery of God will be revealed. He will begin His reign on the earth. We are here to prepare people through the sharing of the gospel for His return. Just as we see John do in this chapter, we must eat of the Word and allow it to become us in order to change and be empowered by God to speak the His message. In this teaching, Alan Smith uses scripture to explain the symbolism of the three mysteries and the relevance of them to us today.
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