NEW podcast published today on the book of Romans by Alan Smith!
In Revelation, John is giving us his writings from a heavenly perspective in the perfect tense. Because of his point of view from heaven where there is no time, everything is continual and not chronological. He is speaking about events we know have happened as if they have just happened. Chapter 9 begins with the fifth trumpet releasing the locusts from the pit by the fallen star and ends with the sixth trumpet releasing the four angels to kill a third of mankind. It is important to remember reading through Revelation that it is talking about actual events that are really symbols of spiritual events. To our surprise, what they represent we may already have seen. So what do the events proceeding the fifth and sixth trumpets actually signify? How is chapter 9 a prophecy of Matthew 24? How are we to respond to the signs of the apparent ending to this season of tribulation? Alan Smith answers those questions and more in this teaching.
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