NEW podcast published today about the book of Romans by Alan Smith!
Paul uses the book of Romans to remind the church of the impact of where they have been, where they are, and where they are going. Alan Smith picks up with that theme in this teaching as he delves us further into the first part of chapter 3. Here we see Paul is continuing to talk about the transition of mankind without God. The first twenty verse are divided into two parts. The first is an imaginary dialogue Paul holds with the Jews. Alan explores this in depth to identify what constitutes us as followers of Jesus, its advantages in regards to the light we are given, and God’s faithfulness through our failings. The second is Paul’s description of mankind before God; uncovering the creation of law, its purpose, and why regardless of who we are or what we believe, we are all under sin needing the righteousness of God. All of it points straight to the truth that our only hope will ever be found at the cross of Christ.
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