NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Romans!
One of Paul’s purposes through Romans is to introduce us to God through Jesus. The issue of chapter 10 is getting to God the Father. But how do we get there? It is the road of law that leads us to Him. Christ is at the end of law so that there may be righteousness for all those who believe in Him. God goes to a lot of trouble to get us saved and direct us on the path to Him. The dilemma He faces is trying to make work the wrong turns we choose to take with the sovereignty He gave us, but He knows that same free will can be used to choose Him. He already has chosen us. He is just waiting for us to reciprocate. He is waiting for us to call on the name of the Lord. With our mouths we must profess the belief within our hearts that Jesus is Lord, and we shall be saved. What is in us that produces the call? What makes the call come alive? What happens to the people who have never heard of Jesus? Alan Smith answers those questions and more in this teaching.
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