NEW podcast published today by Alan Smith on the book of Romans!
Paul is revealing to us through Romans that God is sovereign and has given us a sovereign will. We can do whatever we want just like God with His attitude but to do it in a fallen state is detrimental. So God gave us a plan of redemption through salvation to redeem our sovereign state. He does not force us into salvation. We are being drawn by Him to it but we must make the decision. The very fact that God has given us a choice means it demands a response. When we use our sovereign choice to say yes to Gods drawing and pursuit, all of heaven breaks loose and is engaged on our behalf. Being born again is the easiest thing we can do on earth, but our human minds believe we have to contribute. We do not have to please him with our knowledge. We do not have to establish our own righteousness. We are to trust Him. In this teaching, Alan Smith guides us in understanding our human responsibility to God’s calling and the role law plays in our path to Christ.
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