NEW podcast published today on the book of Romans by Alan Smith!
In chapter 8 of Romans, Paul is showing us how the righteousness given to us by God is really working. We see there are two ways the gift of righteousness is used; it is always available to us by faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and it works itself out of us to be made visible to others. If we want to experience life in the spirit, it comes in the working out of righteousness. We do the works of Christ when we allow righteousness to come through us and be seen in our actions, deeds, words, and thoughts. We must start behaving in a manner that disagrees with the lie from Satan that we are our sin and in a way that agrees with the truth Jesus has conquered our sin. We have to continually choose if we are going to live according to the flesh or to the spirit. In this teaching, Alan Smith shares with us the importance of saying yes to life in the spirit and how our choice will reflect in our lives.
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