This song is old. And it was on my heart today. But I couldnea remember the words so I just sang. This is some of what came out or similar to it. Same tune just fresh words.
When Chains from the Darkness Bind you deep in sin,
When Shame covers you on all sides.
Then Lift up your voice and fall down to your knees And seek the face seek the face of our God.
It is well
With my Soul
It is well
With my Soul
It is well
It is well
With my Soul.
In times of Great joy and all goes well,
When Jesus is there by your side,
You know not fear for our King is near Praise the Lord Praise the Lord oh my Soul.
These words written today by a Grateful Heart.
The latter verse was inspired because when I was doing well I often would stop praising the Lord. From there I would fall and then sometimes it would take a little while to get back up. I just got back up about 3 months ago after such a time. I was down for 2 or 3 years and the Lord in his mercy allowed me to go just far enough to remind me where I had been claimed from by His love and Mercy.
To God Be the Glory, GREAT things he has done.