1 heart + 1 mind = 1 voice
In a night vision I was in the heavens with the angel of the Lord and we were looking down on the United States. I asked the angel of the Lord when revival would come again to the United States. He looked at me and said, "It has never left. It is still here." He continued and said, "The river of the Toronto Blessing and the river of The Pensacola Outpouring shall come together and be as One." He then declared to the earth, "They both will lose their identities into the other, as the leaders, through humility, become as One."
He looked at me again and said, "The Spirit of the Lord will draw other streams into this river called 'humility', and it will grow wider and wider as more streams become as One." As I looked at the rivers coming together, I heard Him say, "This new river will be seen all over the earth. This opportunity is being offered, but must be prayed in. Call the intercessors and may it begin."
Note: In the night vision I saw the faces of John Kilpatrick and Randy Clark.