Posted on May 22, 2019 Prophetic Words

by: Lana Vawser Ministries


The Lord spoke to me that many prophets in the body of Christ have been under some intense attack recently. The Lord showed me many prophets who have been in deep battles and despair behind closed doors. There have been some deep private battles that many prophets have been facing that only the Lord has seen. Many prophets have been fighting for their lives recently and fighting to continue to stand, but feeling strongly that they want to run and hide in the cave like Elijah did. (1 Kings 19)

When the Lord showed me this I heard the Lord say “Many prophets are now being handed new ram’s horns with a new sound that they are to release into the earth. The battle has been over the new ram’s horn and the new sound that I am going to release through them. Many of My prophets are taking a new seat of authority. They are moving in greater accuracy and purity of the revelation I am releasing and they are SWAYED NOT by man and by the approval of man. These prophets have been responding to the invitation I have been releasing to “come out” from any form of mixture, any form of impurity and any form of “building” that is manmade. These prophets have responded to the call to come deeper into My heart and their hearts are truly for what I am saying and to release My pure word without mixture and agenda.”


The sense surrounded me strongly that these “ram’s horns” were not coming cheaply. These “ram’s horns” were not being given out to anyone and everyone. For the Lord’s eyes were roaming the earth looking for the prophets who are living behind the veil. Those who are living in the place of purity in seeking His heart and not seeking to build a platform or ‘name’ for themselves and making their ‘name loud’ amongst the nations.
I heard the Lord say:

“I am giving these “ram’s horns” to those who truly minister to My heart. I am releasing these “ram’s horns” to those who minister to Me behind the veil. Those that truly seek to know My heart, seek to release My Word without agenda and do not change or conform to society, structures or impure cultures or expectations within My Church. These prophets are arising not bound to “systems” but arising in the purity of strength in My Word and who I am and completely committed to releasing My Word whatever the cost.”

“These ram’s horns that I am releasing to these prophets are prophets of RIGHTEOUSNESS. They stand for righteousness and they walk in righteousness and purity. As these ram’s horns are blown a NEW SOUND is being released into the body of Christ and into the nations that will bring a shaking to prepare the body of Christ and the earth to see My Glory in a way that has not been seen before. These prophets are arising with swords in their mouths, with My Word in their mouths that carry such weight, that will bring a cracking open in the earth and the body of Christ in such a significant ways to see My Glory ushered in.”

I had a vision and I saw these prophets are coming forth with words that will PURIFY the Church. These prophets are coming forth carrying My heart, they are carrying the Word of God at their core, the Word of God like fire in their bones. These prophets are coming forth not with words of death, they are coming forth with words of LIFE.

The Lord showed me that these prophets are coming forth with words that may correct. These prophets are coming forth with words that will challenge the body of Christ. These prophets are coming forth with words that call the body of Christ out of any impurity, out of any mixture and into purity and maturity. The words surrounded me strongly “purity and maturity”. These prophets will be coming forth with words of warning to not bring fear and not based in fear or impurity, but true warnings of the Lord to prepare the Church and move forward in offense and victory.

These words of warning will come forth so that the people of God will not be overcome. These words of warnings will come forth so that victory and healing will be seen in nations and that the enemy will be overturned. These words of warning will come forth in the body of Christ out of His love so that the enemy will find no entry point within God’s people and so that the Church walks in purity of heart, in the Lord’s ways and His plans for what He is about to release.

Then I heard a strong warning of the Lord to the body of Christ.

“As these prophets come forth you, do not stone them. Do not stone these prophets because they are arising with words calling you into greater purity. Do not allow hatred to fill your hearts against these prophets because they come to challenge the places of mixture and impurity and call you forth into holiness and righteousness. Do not stone these prophets because they are coming forth and calling you out of the places of bondage, the places of impurity and the places of self promotion. These prophets are arising with such purity in their mouths and in their hearts to see self promotion broken, healed and cleansed in the body of Christ. They are arising now with a weighty word from My heart in their mouths that will break down ‘man made systems’ that are not built in Me. They are not built by My hand. For out of My love I am shaking ALL THINGS that are not founded in Me, that are not built in Me, for as My Glory is revealed, as My fire comes and falls, those things that are not built in Me will NOT remain and will NOT be able to carry what I am releasing. The pure and new wineskin will carry the new wine and the fire I am releasing. My people, you MUST be willing to be purged and purified. You MUST be willing to be challenged by My Word. You MUST be willing to receive My Word of correction. These prophets will be recognized by their purity, by their love, by their love for Me, the One and Only God, Jesus Christ. They will carry the smell of intimacy. They will carry the smell of the love of My Word. You will know them because they look like Me. They are coming forth with weightier words and words that will challenge and purify, but they come forth with words that do not CONDEMN. Do not mistake correction for condemnation. My people KNOW the difference. For condemnation is not of Me. Out of My love I correct and these words will come forth in correction to draw you closer to Me, to bring you deeper in intimacy with Me, it will mature you and purify and prepare you to carry what I am releasing, but you must have eyes to see and ears to hear what My Spirit is saying.”


The Lord showed me that these prophets who are receiving the new ‘ram’s horns’ have been almost taken out by the enemy, the enemy has tried in so many to take them out, but there is great breakthrough upon them now and they will now go forth and overturn the plans of the enemy like never before. They are arising stronger than ever before.

The spirit of Jezebel has attempted to kill these prophets but the Lord has caused her efforts to fall to the ground, now these prophets are arising like never before to OVERTHROW Jezebel. They are the Jehu’s.

They are arising in the strength and empowerment of the Lord like they have never experienced. They are arising now moving in greater governmental authority than they have stepped into before. They are now arising in this breakthrough living in a place of hiddenness in Me that the ‘old tricks’ and ‘ways of the enemy’ that have worked previously to keep them down, no longer work anymore. They are being lifted higher into a greater place of rest.

I heard the Lord say “Where the arrows have been thrown at these ones for so long to keep them down, I am now lifting them above the arrows so the arrows will not touch them and they are begin given arrows of greater revelation from Me and My Word that are fire tipped arrows to be sent straight into the enemy’s camp to destroy and undo his works and the enemy won’t even see them coming.

There is a deep hiddenness in intimacy with Me that these prophets are entering into that the enemy will not be able to see them and touch them. There is a deep rest these ones are entering into after the long battle that they have endured for so long. In the battle and in the fire they have been purified, they have been strengthened and matured to carry what I am now releasing.”


The Lord showed me that as these prophets released these new sounds in the earth that the Lord was speaking, as these words came forth, I saw things changing and rearranging in the body of Christ. As they released these words I watched the hand of God shifting and reshaping things in the Church.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9

I felt the heart of God strongly.

“Change is not a bad thing. I am making room for the new. Do not fight the shift and the change that I am bringing. I am bringing it forth so that My Bride can move into her destiny. Do not fight the flow, but go with My flow. Do not attempt to hold onto the old, but embrace the new. It is not something to fear, it’s something to embrace. For if you embrace the shift and the changes that I am bringing you will see the demonstration of My power and the greater revealing of My Glory like never before.”
As this shaping and rearranging was taking place as these words were going forth I saw a compass and the arrow was being brought back to “TRUE NORTH” and at true north it said “JESUS”. The sense surrounded me strongly that these prophets are coming forth with words to realign the body of Christ, to realign things that have come out of alignment and out of focus, it’s coming back to JESUS, Jesus as first love, His ways and His Word of ultimate priority.

“There will be great vindication and demonstration of My confirmation and power upon the words that these prophets release. I will confirm their words with signs and wonders in the natural.”

“It’s time for the body of Christ to move into greater maturity, humility and yield to Me in deeper ways. It’s time for My Church to return in greater ways to the purity of My Word. It’s time for My Church to come back to the foundations. It’s time for My Church to return to Me as the first love and leave all other loves, gods and mixtures behind. It’s time for My Church to truly arise and shine in purity, looking like Me to see the greatest harvest they have ever seen begin to come in.”

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  • Amen

  • Amen, this really spoke to my heart, God knows the struggles I am enduring. The battle is real, The jezebel Spirit is trying to steal my family’s joy, I stand firm in Gods promises. I pray with all I am for a greater maturity and humility in Christ. Thank you for this, my Holy Roar will not be silenced. 

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