Joining the Dots

A friend recently sent us a prophetic word from the Elijah List with an encouragement for the beginning of this year - it made a very important point:

“Learn to move by the vibrations of the sound coming up through your feet. This is how I will move My people into place in days ahead! You will not move by the thoughts of your mind, but by the sounds of Heaven vibrating the ground and causing your feet to sense what I'm saying so you can move into place for the future.

This was based on an interesting observation:

”You will be like the elephant that hears through his feet, and because of that he can hear things coming from miles away. As he hears things coming from a distance and prepares himself for what's coming, he trumpets with his mouth what's going on so others can see.”

So, as we seek to place our feet firmly on the ground to ‘hear’ what’s happening at a distance, here are some of the things we’re observing:

First, there’s a move of God, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that’s coming to God’s people and it’s bigger than anything we’ve seen before - people are feeling it and many people are expecting it.

Second, in Genesis 18 the Lord commends Abraham for his stand for righteousness and justice in his family which enabled him to receive the promise from God that he would be the founder of a great and mighty nation.

The Lord is looking for those whom he will call and equip to stand for righteousness and justice in the nations. In Proverbs 14:34 we read: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” As we observe the bleak landscape of the nations around us, we can see the effects of the ‘reproach’ of unrighteousness and injustice and its impact on society - God is looking for those who are prepared to make the same stand that Abraham did - so that we can receive the promise for ourselves.

Third, there’s an awakening beginning in California - someone recently observed that every 11 years since The Azusa Street Revival in 1906 there has been a major outpouring of the Holy Spirit somewhere in the world. Here are some of those outpourings that coincide with that timeframe in the last 60-70 years:

  • The great Healing Revival in the 1950’s
  • The Charismatic Movement in the 1960’s
  • The Jesus People Movement in the 1970’s
  • The ‘Third Wave’ outpouring in the 1980’s
  • The “Toronto Blessing’ in the 1990’s
  • Powerful manifestations of God’s power in the mid-2000’s

That brings us right up to date into 2016 and there is the beginning of a move of God happening right now in San Diego, California - God is coming to revive the church and bring in the ‘spiritual outcasts’.


In Psalm 27:13, David says: “I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Sometimes, through all the ups and downs of our spiritual journey, it’s hard to hold on to that kind of promise. Over many years we have believed that God’s desire was to bring about a worldwide revival that would usher in a great ingathering of souls into his Kingdom. While we can be thankful for the evidence of significant moves of God in many places in the world, it always seems to be happening ‘somewhere else’!

Could it really be that we could see God’s Kingdom advance in such a way that it will touch the ends of the earth and bring about a glorious, end-time revival that will see a billion souls coming to Christ? In their day and time people like Abraham, Moses and David were used by God as ‘transition messengers’ - people who ushered in a new dispensation for the people of God. It’s interesting to observe that all of those people (as well as many of the Old Testament prophets) came into prominence after great failure and often an extended time of being ‘hidden away’ so that the Lord could prepare them for the task ahead. The same was true of John the Baptist who spent the first 30 years of his life in the desert being prepared by God to be “The voice of one crying in the wilderness”!

Psalm 62:5 says: “My soul, wait in silence for God alone, For my hope is from Him.” Hope is the confidence that what God has done for us in the past guarantees our participation in what he will do in the future - it is a confident expectation and desire for something good from the hand of the Lord. Biblical hope has moral certainty in it - when the Bible says, “Hope in God!” it doesn’t mean, “Cross your fingers.” It means, to expect great things from God.

God is on the move! Get ready to see his goodness poured out on the nations this year.

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