I think sometimes how that we as Christians need to listen to the folks around us and listen to there hearts as it pertains to God, many people will only listen to someone if that some one is at the highest level of credibility and clout. King David would even listen to a guy that was throwing rocks at him because "maybe" it might have been the Lord telling that guy to do it...I'd rather hear God through my enemies that not at all. I think back to the last 4 months and seen the Lord speak to me through the most unbelievable sources. They weren't prophets or famous evangelists or had been Christians for 50 years, they were average Joe's. I think the Lord is saying in this time, "It's time to anoint the average Joe's." Look at the life of Joesph in Gen 37 here's a kid hated by his brothers left for dead, accused of rape, thrown in jail, and ends up the second most powerful person in Egypt. Now looking at his life back when he was a boy would you have thought he'd even be in that place? The Lord is speaking to you, He's doing it through the least likely sources and He's gonna start to move on your heart EPICALLY the average Joe's! So it doesn't matter how you look, how much money you have or who you know, It depends on Jesus and what He wants for you. Hold your head high. keep your eyes on the prize and don't loose hope God SEE'S YOU He know's what you going through and those things will change and you'll be just fine. Your best days are ahead, live for today's encounter with God, you got something better to do?