By all definitions I know of, Lake Tahoe surpasses all other lakes. It is Pure, Superior, Excellent, Supreme, Unequaled, and Unmatched in every way. Sounds awfully superlative and bordering on syrupy, huh? If it weren’t true, I would agree. But, in my humble opinion Lake Tahoe defies description. I’ve seen incredible lakes on five different Continents and Tahoe transcends them all.
You can probably wrap your brain around describing a lake with such terms. What about the most superlative human life you can think of--say, Jesus Christ? Not such a stretch? But; do the above descriptive words provide an apt definition of you? How about the following phrases: going beyond the limits of ordinary experience and far better or greater than what is usual? I know, you’re thinking I have gone off the deep end of Tahoe. Not so!
Though it is one of our greatest faith challenges, we must define ourselves by only one measure-God’s! I challenge you to think on the following, even though you are usually more focused on your past failures than His eternal and never changing definition. It transcends any and all others!!! It would serve you well to read and meditate on the following scriptures daily for a month.
1:3 Let’s celebrate God! Every spiritual blessing in heavenly places has found its definition in the fact that we are in Christ.
1:4 This association goes back to before the fall of the world, His love knew that He would present us again face to face before Him, identified in Christ in blameless innocence.
1:5 He is the architect of our design; His heart dream realized our coming of age in Christ. (See Gal.4:1-6 “…and to seal our sonship the spirit of His son echoes Abba Father in our hearts.”)
1:6 His grace-plan is to be celebrated: He greatly endeared us and highly favored us in Christ; His love for His Son is His love for us.
1:7 Since we are (fully represented) in Him, His blood is the ransom that secures our redemption. His forgiving us our sins measures the wealth of His grace.
1:8 This grace shown towards us communicates a wisdom and discernment of our worth that completely surpasses any definition.
1:9 The secret is out! His cherished love-dream now unfolds in front of our very eyes.
1:10 In the economy (oikonomia) of the fullness of time, everything culminates in Christ; all that is in heaven and all that is on earth is reconciled in Him.
1:11 This is how we fit into God's picture, Christ is the measure of our portion, we are in Him; invented and defined in Him. God's blueprint intention is on exhibition in us, everything He accomplishes is inspired by the energy and intent of His affection.
1:17 I desire that your knowledge of the Father will be undiluted, that you will draw directly from the source; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ imparts the spirit of wisdom to you in the unveiling of His Master Plan (glory.)
1:18 I pray that your thoughts will be flooded with light and revelation knowledge; that you will clearly picture His intent in identifying you in Him so that you may know how precious you are to Him. The saints are His treasure and the glorious trophy of His portion! (We are God's assets and the measure of His wealth!) Ephesians 1:3-11, 17-18 (The Mirror Bible)