His Life Within
written by Michael McBane
I often present similar themes but I do so with deliberate purpose. I find I can not move around such themes because of the call on our family so here I go again. To centralize, “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you" (Gal. 4:19). If I am to come to anyone in words or face to face it must be in this accord, I come because you are in Christ and if you in turn receive life it must be like wise. To resolve to know and reveal the Life of God as the Lamb who was slain for me and you is the primary focus of true Christian life. It is the cornerstone that enlarges everything and allows who receives the Lamb to remain. It gives us life, here we know true love, it hides us in the shelter of the wings of God, it is beauty, wonder, it is glorious.The life of the Lamb of God is our focus in all things.
When we come to the place of deep and lasting dissatisfaction we can only be satisfied with Christ. He is our substance, He is our provision. He is. Somehow when we catch this we long to walk towards it in such a way that we walk into it so that it over shadows us. Yet it also rises up within. Here we find an acceleration to conforming to His image that allows a continuity in our desire that begins to clear the things away that we once thought were the essentials of life.
In essence what I am saying here is that Christ is the bread of our life and nothing more or less. He is our food. And yes I do think that this fact is more of a reality then we would want to consider if we are fat and happy in this world. It is going to be for some a tangible reality of hope daily. It will be something that we may have considered in humorous thought ( for me I am absolutely assured that this is something so real ) In reality there will come a time when food will be scarce if not unavailable for many and we will find that our fellowship in the unobstructed vision of Christ and of Christ in each other will offer to us a food more substantial then anything we have known.
Honestly some cannot aspire to this and do not want to. I find it more then fascinating I am eager to partake of it.
This then opens up the rivers of God’s healing as reachable for many who have held onto a vision of hope. We can feel hopelessness fall away. It was heavier then we have thought and we are so light that we could float away. We are like children.
Why write like this? to expand the horizon of Christ to us and in us. To enlarge our imaginations. To see the Lord has this immensely creative trio in the scope of our redemption.
Don’t get me wrong I understand God tells us in the word we are to be content I find a vast difference in the dissatisfaction that is cultivated by a hunger to know the fullest measure of the Lord that we can and being content in the present moment. We must also consider that some would say that to be dissatisfied is to be out of the rest of God. Again the rest of God is knowing that His work is forever complete in Christ. It is living within the sphere of that knowledge that allows grace to be expanded in who we are, what we do and say. Our perceptions change. Even our language. We understand not in mere knowing of understanding but in our core spiritual man the revelation of seeing as the Father does because of Christ. This alters much of our chastising insecurities that are held up more by fear then anything. So our misguided presentation of the Lord of life is being corrected. We are willing to love again.
I believe we as a called and chosen church will again be the people of the shadow. Meaning we will be filled with the glory of God and we will accept it and honor it. Here then our shadow will fall to the right and to the left, the east and west, the north and the south and we will leave around us a wake of healing and deliverance. We will provide in our passing a revelation of what it is to be whole. We will still the misguided barbaric society with an infusion of who we are in Christ because He will be more tangible then who we think we are today. We will gain the knowledge of who we are as sons and daughters of God. We will interact with God as a Father, we will be restored because of Christ and enjoy a relationship that we have little to no understanding of in this time and we will not reject the formative nature of the Holy Spirit and partner with a cultivating power of love.
Saying this may give us an onramp to see the Trinitarian relational community found in the interactive and inter responsible relationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We can be enlarged in the possibility of understanding the distinctive but fused value of knowing the full nature of a relational God.
Here we have a revelation of God set before us that should allow us to be changed in our disfunction as men and women who have rejected the potential of possibility offered to us in Christ. This is enormous. But we must allow our spirits to dwell here within this brooding opportunity to become true living Sons of God.
But in this example we have also a life line in its profile. God is fully relational. He is purposed to function as God within God. God does not reject God but serves the continuity of the love it generates simply by existing. Why because it is the nature of God. He is faithful to who He is and has always been so.
Here then is the life within you and I. Yes it is Christ within as a great unfolding mystery, but let us remember Christ reveals the Father they are inseparable and the Holy Spirit descended and remained. The weaving of such a relational community is worthy of our examination. And not briefly. We must see that we living within the Lamb of God must be changed but we must also see each other as a holy and deeply loved community held by Christ. We then have provision here. This we must value greatly because God does. Therefore, I ask should we not aspire to great heights offered to us in a relational God? I know so. Holiness is interactive and as Isaiah challenges us in chapter 6 we are undone and undone again and again. Let us come to the Lord today with great expectation.