Psalms 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
As I read this verse I kept thinking about the how David said that he "hid" God's Word in his heart.
The NAS reads: Your word have I treasured in my heart.
When we treasure something, we hold it very dear. This is how he regarded God's Word. He adored, cherished, esteemed, and valued it so highly, that his intention was to guard and preserve it forever.
He feared losing, or being robbed of it. He sought the safest place to hide His his heart, where no one could steal it. As our hearts unite with His Word, it remains in our souls, and is safe.
In hiding God's Word in his heart, David's goal was that he might not sin against the Lord. He was careful to prevent it. The most effectual way to prevent this, is to hide God's Word in our hearts, that we may answer every temptation., as our Master did, with, It is written.
God's Word is the best preventative against sin, for it tells us His mind and will, and brings our spirit into conformity with His Spirit.
My Prayer
Father, create in us a new and fresh hunger for Your Word. Let us value Your Word and treasure it above all else. May we hide it in our hearts, that we might not sin against Thee. Your Word reveals to us who You are, and what Your will is for our lives. It is the most precious gift given unto man, so precious, that we should fear losing it. Hiding Your Word in our hearts, guarantees us that it will be kept safe and preserved forever!