Hearing again, the call of heaven

Hearing Again, the Call of Heaven
written by Michael McBane

Galatians 4 :19, “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you.”

The killing field of so many who began in the spirit is information about God that is gained in books or messages. Is there wisdom in such? Yes but it will never sustain us. Many are informed and they believe this is revelation. It is not it is information about God.

What does God say about who He is? Who does He say He is? Don’t repeat a scripture but allow the Holy Spirit to empty you of everything, and then let Him speak.

If we cant control it or Him we do not believe. How can we understand the width of God? The depth, the length and the breadth. Yet we feel we must. Is what we read or listen to propel us into a spiritual hunger for the unknown depth of purity? the mystery of holiness? Do we really think that God can satisfy us? Do we want Him to be our substance? This is a hunger that draws us. Many of you who are reading have known this but it is buried under the echos of information. Do you want to see again? I long for the frontier of Jesus.

The command to follow Me is a door way, it is a threshold that invites us into the unknown and then God becomes known. This is the opportunity of faith. Far to many have shrunk back and planted with the confining hopelessness of information about Jesus. They have not allowed theology to be a spring board that allows them to leap forward. But they have planted when God was asking them to see beyond the horizon. But that can only be if Christ is forever the horizon of life. Excuses are prevalent. We are tired, to old, comfortable in familiar but lifeless day to day. Is this heaven on earth..feels more like Iowa. We are bound by our security or that which promises us falsely a secure tomorrow.

I ask us, have we begun in the spirit to finish in the flesh? I feel alone even in asking such a question. I am not dismantling us. I do not want to. I would ask us to ask God to do so. Why? Do you not know? Can you honestly say you feel alive to the full vision of this day, not even tomorrow, today. I have known a God who is at rest but runs like a river. But what I witness among far to many is a stagnate whirlpool of recycled water.

Liberty, liberty is the cry of God over us, liberty from religion and its totalitarian boundaries. Jesus does not stifle purpose but identifies it entirely in Him.

There is a difference between an earthly call and a heavenly one. Jesus defines a heavenly call, it is not restrained by the calculated obstructions of how man adapts religion to His understanding of who Jesus is. To be possessed by God, everything... our minds, our understanding, what we subject our life to, is a place that is given to us. It is faith, faith is a gift that supplies the oxygen of the present life of God’s breathe, it reveals as He breathes into us.

God allow us to allow you to clear the table so that You alone might reveal Jesus to us. We have constrained the life You have desired to bring to us, the provision, the engagement of heaven to earth. Do we really want to know this kind of Jesus?

We must not do this clearing for we will hold back but if God does this we will be transformed. So God must establish a broken heart in us that asks to travail with Him. Brokenness is not an event that comes and goes. It is a place in the heart that allows humility to surface, it is a contrite heart.

Can God trust us with the image of Christ? Will the seeds of such an encounter remain pure, can they? History reveals we do a good job at killing what the Lord offers. I perceive that we can ask the Lord to reestablish the seed of His conception. That we can ask for the faith to allow Him to be God. This is a big step. Let us not be trite about this.

Will we turn away from the models that we have generated that are equally as restraining as that we sought to be free from? God I want the conception of Christ to be a reality in me.

Galatians 4 :19, “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you.”

We can have a day of divine appointment not with men but a renewed conception of God. We can regain true hope. Do we want it?

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