Ecclesiastes 11:5
As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in the mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.
It is human nature to try and understand life & circumstances. To try and break each event down into seperate parts so that we can understand everything about it, having a "handle" on it. One simple truth on each situation, to satisfy our questions, and events we cannot understand.
Whatever system, or knowledge we have gained, it always ends up with. "God doesn't fit." Our reasoning is too small and He is too expansive!
We CAN count on the Word of God and the Character of God. And we know that His nature and attributes will not change. We can eternally rely on these things. No one can explain God fully. There are no quick answers or formulas, because that is not who He is, and that is not how He desires that we would have relationship with him in deeper and more intimate ways.
We like things predictable. We like to have a grasp and understand things that happen in our lives. Many people thing that if they cannot explain God, then He isn't God.
Remember when things seems out of control, they are still under the hand of our omnicient God.
A religion without mystery must be a religion without God.
--Jeremy Taylor