Glory Revealed
By: Alan Smith
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- Matt. 5:15-16: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (KJV)
Does your light shine and radiate life before all men? Or have you hidden it under a basket in your heart? Do you believe and embrace this “new perception” about yourself: the perception of your light shining before men? You know, are you shining and radiating light upon your realities? Is your light so shining that others may see the way they should go? According to Matthew 5:15-16, anyone who has trusted Christ has received this “light”, and this “light” is radiating. Where is this “light” within you and from where does it come? Let’s look a little closer in the scriptures for these answers.
- 2 Cor. 4:6: For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (KJV)
This is absolutely incredible! God Himself has shined this” light” and its destination is your heart. It is an act of God and He compares this impartation of light to the light of creation. Therefore, His “light” within you will be a creative “light”. This creative “light” is full of the knowledge of God’s glory, which is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. Since the Holy Spirit abides within you, this “light” will also radiate from your face. Your face is the place of export of this “energy” of the “light” within. How does your place of “export” look? Is your face a reflection of darkness or is it a place which radiates “light”? How can this “light” grow within you, until it is so great that it shines through your face?
This light comes from your “inner man”; your “heart”. This is the place of your subconscious, and it is the innermost part of your being. Here, all of the automatic functions of life are stored, such as your breathing or your heart beating. You can also store learned behavior, such as playing the piano or typing, in this part of your being. All of these types of functions can become automatic to you. They do not have to pass through your conscious mind before they are projected into your realities. Perhaps there has been a time that you did something you wish you had not. Your response may have sounded like this, “Oh, I just was not thinking when I did that. This is impossible.” You have to think before you act; but this thinking can be coming from your subconscious mind, your “inner man”. All through the day you are reacting to people and circumstances and wondering why you are not more productive and successful with these encounters. I would like to suggest to you that your “inner man” or your subconscious mind is living your life for you more than your “outer man” or your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is louder than you think! The information that is stored in your subconscious mind will come forth with no argument from your conscious mind; it just comes forth. And remember, your conscious mind adds information, which it considers to be “truth”, to your “inner man”, whether it is truth or not. It stores it regardless, and it is used when your brain calls for a reaction. This is why the apostle Paul tells us to renew our minds, or make them fresh, with new ideas based on truth and faith. You don’t want your “stinking thinking” to control your life. Instead, you want the light of God that has been placed within you to control your life. You want to “radiate” not “agitate”. Without thinking, you can “radiate” through your face what is in your heart, if your inner man is not hiding this light of God under a basket.
This “inner man” is to be the center of your being, where your true authentic self lives and thrives. This is where the “light” of God, His Son or sun, shines before you every day and every night. It is at this point that all of the energy of the “light” is distributed through your entire body. When this “light” shines, it actually produces an energy that is projected throughout your spirit, soul, and body; and this energy can bring healing to the spirit, soul, and body. When this energy reaches higher levels and cannot be contained, it then seeks an exit, which is through your face. It is at this point that others around you may see and feel this wonderful “light” of peace and safety. This spiritual radiance will then have a drawing effect: a spiritual magnetism. You just cannot stop the effect. As Jesus was walking on this earth, He could not help but draw crowds of people seeking this glory that shown through His face. His cup was running over with the “light” or energy and power of God. Just the presence of a person that radiates this power and light of God will calm the most difficult situations of life. A “radiating” life brings health to the person “radiating”, as well as to those around them. It causes a pleasant atmosphere, which, once again, will draw people unto it.
When this “light” is covered or hidden by “fear”, the power and energy which is produced will begin to fade. Fear, an enemy of the light, must be destroyed at all costs. When the “light” begins to fade, it causes the spirit, soul, and body to become confused, tired, and sick. The flow of the radiant power has been interrupted, causing chaos throughout the entire body. I believe this is why some sicknesses and diseases get a foothold in the body. This energy produced from the light of God within is like the “sun” to the body. It is the source of eternal life given to man. Just as your body needs the sun on the outside to receive certain vitamins; so your inner body needs the inner light of God within you. This light is called “Jesus, the Son of God”. The scriptures speak about fear and how fear does not come from God. Let’s look further.
- 2 Tim. 1:7: For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (KJV)
Do you see it? God gives us power, love, and a sound mind. All of these are to be stored in the “inner man” to bring health: “power” for the spirit; “love” for the soul; and a “sound mind” for the body. A sound mind filled with love and power will radiate health to the entire body. When this “light” becomes individualized, one person at a time, it brings a unique, spiritual dynamic in a corporate setting. A corporate light and power is then ignited, which can soften the hardest heart and heal the broken spirit of individuals, towns, entire countries, and one day the entire earth.
Your “inner man” is the place of this new beginning. Your thoughts of the conscious mind are programming your “inner man” daily. You must take these thoughts captive. These thoughts are fuel to the light within. The character of these thoughts determines if your “light” will shine or be hidden. Remember what Jesus said about the light. He said it would radiate throughout the whole house: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
You have been invited to: Let your light so shine before men. The more you shine, the more energy will be radiated: energy of courage, hope, healing, and confidence. You must be aware of the “light” that has been placed within every believer. This awareness of the “light” within will destroy all fear, and it will bring harmony to the physical body and to the earth. But, this awareness will do nothing by itself. You must begin to release this “light”; and you do this through practice. Just like an athlete gets better and better with practice, so shall we, the Body of Christ, become better at releasing the “light”, the power of God, as we practice it day by day. My prayer is that our “inner man” will become one with God, walking and talking with Him. Our actions and reactions will flow from an automatic “inner man” liken unto the Son of the Living God.