Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.
Our discussion is on forgiveness and how it relates to us as believers, and how to enter into the Spirit and Truth of its hidden reality.
Forgiveness has many realities and these realities of redemption are veiled and hidden until one has walked in the understanding of forgiveness. There is an essential thread of forgiveness that never changes nor ever is altered or modified by God. It is the assurance that if you are His and if you approach Him after sinning or committing iniquity or transgression, He extends His hand of forgiveness in Christ Jesus. He reaches toward us according to His divine nature to forgive with and according to the redeeming realities of His Son’s blood. You will leave the presence of God with the knowing that you are forgiven, and this is called remission of one’s sin.
This is a powerful provision provided for by the blood of His Son.
In the wisdom and intelligence of God, He truly knew that the persuasion and conviction of forgiveness of sin would be necessary, and it would have to be actively available to His children during the changes and transformations that would transpire in their journey to maturity. Whenever we speak of forgiveness, the scripture, “In whom we have redemption through the blood of His Son, even the forgiveness of sins,” we are speaking of the Holy things of God, of the eternal things of the eternal God.
The forgiveness of God in Christ Jesus is the centralized theme and signature of REDEMPTION, and we, through ignorance, have decentralized and streamlined the FORGIVENESS of God in Christ Jesus, and changed the incorruptible FORGIVENESS OF GOD into an image made like corruptible man.
The similitude and semblance of forgiveness already present in the world expresses itself in a replicated form, falsely calling itself the forgiveness of God by waving its banner with the inscription ‘I AM SORRY.’ It is filled with the apologetic emotions of regret, contrition, and sorrow. This is the sorrow of the world of which our brother Paul declares “the sorrow of the world worketh death.”
Without a thorough and clear comprehension of the forgiveness of God afforded by the Holy Spirit’s understanding of the language of the blood, we will continue to live patterned after and conditioned to the world’s interpretation.We will remain conformed to it. We are restricted in our association and identification with the SPIRIT AND TRUTH of God’s Forgiveness because these are after that which was educated into our members by the spirit of this world.
We will continue using the language of forgiveness generated into the fiber of our being by and according to this world’s renderings, totally unaware that its essence is rooted in the realm of apology and regret which only produces an illusory effect, while the TRUE forgiveness of God in Christ according to REDEMPTION REMAINS VEILED AND HIDDEN. The vanquishing and negating power of the cross alone can execute the stenciled impressions of the ‘forgiveness of man’, imaged after the likeness of this world, of which we all are made partakers in the first Adam.
It is necessary to establish a defining of the ‘blood of forgiveness,’ but first we must be stripped of all false representations that attempt to illustrate the forgiveness of God. These are according to the first Adam or after the arrangements of this world.
With regard to spiritual matters, we are so prone and predisposed, in our natural condition, to a functionality according to the old man’s nature already existent in us. We are resigned to error and resigned to it in our thought patterns. We have a spirit, and nature of hidden arrogance which causes assuming, esteeming, of ones own aptitude and skillfulness.
We grope aimlessly for the well of salvation not following the steps of hope so clearly and lucidly marked out for us by the Holy Spirit.
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