Father's Now Word and Heart!


(Dutch Sheets at Glory of Zion, August 2015)  

We’ve moved into a new season and we’re about to be launched into the fullness of it. 

The next year is the most important year of our lives.  

1 Samuel 17 – David and Goliath  (Goliath means reveal, expose, exile) 

David said “is there not a cause?” (v. 29 KJV cause is dabar (the Word of the Lord)  

What is at stake?  God’s reputation; God’s purposes and His redemptive plan that was on Abraham and His Messianic people.  The destiny as a people was at stake.  

We must have a third great awakening – America’s destiny is at stake.  

Mayflower Compact: declared re America is for the Glory of God 

1607 – Jamestown, and a man named Hunt:  from these shores the gospel shall go forth to the entire world.  (Hunt’s bones were uncovered this year.)  God is not finished with America. 

1630 – Winthrop:  “we shall be a city on a hill, a light to the nations of the earth”.  

Much in this country is at stake – our freedoms, safety and blessings are at stake. 

Natural disasters, etc. that may come are to turn us to Him.  Don’t be afraid, because God has prepared a remnant – a prophetic, apostolic people – intercessors and Word people.  We are up to face the giants; we are worshiping warriors.  

History (dabar) – David recounted his history that gave him the confidence.  The people had a history of deliverance; the promises of God.  America has a history with God.  The first and second great awakenings brought great cultural change.  

Our job is to be ready – with decrees by the Spirit of God.  Revival is coming.  God wants to do this; get in agreement with Him.  

Declaration of Independence talks about Him – our creator and protector.  Decree that God founded this nation; war with your history.  

Isaiah 33:22 – our three branches of government come from scripture; declare Isaiah 33:22. 

Decree that we will have a righteous government, president, congress, etc.  

John Quincy Adams:  “the highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” 

Decree this:  This nation of America was founded by God!  

Cause means question – what will we do God is saying to the praying church of America:  it’s time to report for duty.  The last 15-20 years has been training in prayer to prepare us for our finest hour.  This next year is our “battle of the bulge”.    

There is a remnant that will stand – a praying remnant who know they are being called to active duty.  Declare:  I’ve been in training!  

Is there not an answer?  Ronald Reagan said in 1964, “there are no easy answers; but there are simple answers.  We must have the courage to do what’s right.”  

I say to the praying army in America:  press on to lay hold of that for which we have been called to lay hold of.  Forget what is behind; reach forward; press toward the goal; attack the finish line.  

I say to the praying church:  let God infuse you with a new strength; let refreshing come upon you; let courage rise up inside of you; this is your finest hour.  You will not fail; He will not fail; the giants are coming down; God is going to give us victory.  Press on toward the mark.  Just get yourself ready for another big push and another thrust toward the finish line.  We have not yet pressed into what we are to lay hold of.  

My answer is that I am going to rise up in the strength of the Lord as I have never risen before and I’m going to press toward the mark like never before; I’m going to go for it like never before; I’m going to run like never before.  I’m going to fight like never before and I’m going to win like never before.  That’s my answer!  

Is there not a promise?  Don’t we have promises from God that give us enough courage to go face this guy (giant)?  This uncircumcised Philistine.  We’re in covenant with God; Goliath wasn’t.  We have promises of victory when we fight God’s way.  Read Deut. 28 for those who walk in covenant with God.  

We’re going to see this awakening because there’s a covenant army fighting.  God has always been willing to war through the remnant.  God is always restored through a remnant.  God fights with those who are in covenant with Him. 

Cause – Word of the Lord is there not a Word?  There’s always a word – always a strategy.  God is about to release many strategies.  We’re about to move into a season where God is about to unfold many strategies that He has been preparing for us and preparing us for; and we’re going to see God attacking the enemy on many, many fronts.  

Signs and wonders is a strategy.  Miracles are about to be poured out in an amazing way.  Miracles are a game changer.  When the power of God starts to move, to be poured out – an entire generation that doesn’t know what to believe is going to see the creative miracle- working power of God; and any argument will be answered in a moment.  Healing miracles will answer the question of who God is.  God’s Spirit is going to show up in schools and government. 

Such a wave of power is coming to the intercessors – you won’t even recognize the prayer movement now as opposed to then.  Our decrees – our Kingly intercession is going to go to such faith and such prophetic accuracy and such prophetic strength that we’re going to move into the realm where we decree a thing and it is established.  We’re not only going to recognize kairos times, we’re going to create the kairos times.  We’re going to shift time; we’re going to unlock time; we’re going to reset time; we’re going to shift the atmosphere; we’re going to go into areas and regions and change atmospheres.    

God is going to show up and begin setting the captives free A Spirit of Deliverance is about to be unleashed into America that is going to set the homosexual free; the adulterer free; the addicted free.  It’s going to transform; it’s going to set the religious free.  It’s one thing to have a few deliverance ministries; it’s another thing to have a Spirit of Deliverance invade a nation.  They’re going to get saved and transformed; and they’re not going to need 2 or 3 years of counseling to get free.  They’re going to get up transformed; their minds are going to be transformed; their bodies are going to be transformed; their DNA is going to be transformed; their generational iniquities are going to be broken; their generational diseases are going to be broken; their mindsets are going to shift; their paradigms are going to change.  

The Spirit of God is going to come and invade the darkness.  When the darkness is over a land, over the face of the deep – all that needs for the darkness to be broken is the decree of the Lord Himself, who says “let there be” and the Spirit of God flips a switch and the light comes on.  

There is a spirit of travail coming on the praying church of America and it may come with groans.  It’s going to be a birthing anointing; it is a decreeing anointing.  It is an anointing that knows how to release the seed of God into situations where barrenness now exists.  People are going to go in with a prophetic anointing and release the seed of the Gospel to nations and they are going to come to life.  A Decreeing church is about to go into Phase 2.  Kingly intercession is about to come to fullness and release the very seed of God.  Conception is going to take place.  We’re going to be released into a new level of faith.  (Acts 4 – mega grace)  A new level of apostolic grace will be released.  Get ready for prayer assignments and prayer journeys to come again.  He is coming to the church; coming to rock the boat; coming to the dry but sincere.  

There’s another wave of the baptism of Holy Spirit coming – He’s going to interrupt church services, prayer meetings, etc.  There will be a boldness when Holy Spirit comes upon you; there is a word coming to decree over a place – get ready to do it.  Decree that there is enough grace to knock out the giants; grace being released.  

Decree to everyone that God is not finished with us; He has a destiny for us – for a generation of young and a generation of old – a faithful remnant people.  

Catapult us fully into the next season!  Hear your new assignments! 



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