Falling in Love with Jesus

No matter what is happening in my reality; good, bad or otherwise-I am still falling in love with Jesus. My heart is His dwelling place and I pine for him daily! Never shall the scam of religion win my heart back. My romantic faith is what defines my life. The clutter, the dust, the dis-ease, the ambient noise is swallowed up in His love...it’s that simple! The question that remains:
Are you excited about living in the Divine Romance instead of living overwhelmed and distracted by difficult or challenging life circumstances! Stuff will keep happening, but we can’t afford to miss a moment of being loved and in love with Jesus, Our Heavenly Father and Blessed Holy Spirit!

Just meditate on all the ways He has romanced your heart? That will encourage your heart and focus your heart into a fresh romance with Jesus.

Picture this: The stage is set; the game is on! You are more than a mere spectator who is detached from the action and watching from the seeming safety of the grand-stands. You are standing on the field; in the readied position, opposite each other in the arena like two athletes of the same stature. The contest is to display Christ in you, by way of a “romantic faith”, not by keeping the games rules. The prize is to “win” as many as possible to Him: bringing them to him as crowns for His Glory!

The entire contest of life “in Christ” is to be played out spontaneously. Rules are only there to give definition to the field of play. The moment we exchange spontaneity with rules, you’ve lost the edge of romance. Romantic faith draws those in your sphere of influence into the arena of the Message Through the sublime display of “romance” in your faith many around you are awakened to the intrigue that is “in Christ”.
Further, the revelation of Christ in us gives identity to the individual beyond anything anyone could ever be on their own merits. Even their blood-line standings as a Greek or a Jew, American or African, foreigner or famous, male or female, King or pawn falls woefully short. Throughout history everyone has been defined by Christ; everyone is represented in Christ, whether they knew it or not.

“This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it’s out in the open. God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you; therefore, you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of the message.” Colossians 1: 26-27, The Message. Ron Ross10897038099?profile=RESIZE_710x

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