Empty space vacant and devoid of tangible material is called the abyss or the illusional place of deception. Imagination, fancy, divination, creativity, ingenuity, originality and novelty exists and breathes their nature into manifestation from the abyss. The lords, kings, and gods of the abyss are composed, formed and shaped of perfect nothingness and hold the body of humanity in total and calculated conformity to their will, mind and emotion. Only in our nakedness will we become the conscious of knowing the difference between the abyss of futility of which we are and the righteousness of His Person of Who He is.
“Sin shall not have dominion over you…” is insufficient as with all other scriptures in their outline formation to accomplish or achieve, unless the comprehending and ascertainment of Holy Spirit’s instructional abilities and capacities have sufficiently been imputed and imparted into the body. All things of the written word remain nothing more than words on paper, penned and scribed, unless all natural functions of intelligence and intellect are abated, diminished and reduced to a state of incapability and inadequacy. Personal specialties, skill, or trademarks of proficiency are forbidden as a requirement or necessity of Holy Spirit. Dare we venture, summon or evoke some trait, property, or characteristic of nature in us as being suitable to accommodate eternal, immortal and incorruptible realities?
We have never understood that prior to our entrance into the threshold or doorway of His Kingdom that we were perfectly corrupt and mortal, and what part, portion, or section of this corrupt and mortal state did we think was acceptable to Him? Lacking the mind, will and passion of this truth will deny the substance of redemption from correctly and accurately producing and embellishing the body and its members with the seed of incorruption, immortality, glorification and eternal life. The agenda of the cross has always been vanquishing and overthrowing the seed of corruption and mortality. Without this eternal conclusion being revealed and pursued with the intention of attainment, things of the Spirit will continue to remain theory and assorted conjecture.
Refuting social doctrines and concepts of Christ as defined by vacuous and hollow representatives or presumed delegates of the Gospel must be satisfied. Illegally unauthorized or sanctioned by God are those who again intrude, impose, and meddle in things of which they have errantly believed they were commissioned and empowered. Believers search for any random allotment of emotional, sentimental or nostalgic experience to give supportive and reassuring hope to their authenticity. All the while the veiled deficiencies of spiritual illusion remain camouflaged and concealed in deception still giviving credence to the fabrication of spiritual validity and significance. Without obedient compliance to Kingdom protocol and order, the intentions of duplicity and fraudulence remain unabated or undiminished in force, power and vigor