Don't lose your Head.

 I was at a meeting last week and Don Potter was doing Worship/Preaching. He mention not being offended and we must  have the Agapao (Strongs Greek #25,5689 and 5368) Love for each other in the days ahead.

  That reminded me  of something the Lord showed me a few years ago.  We start off with John the Bapist in prison (Luke 7:18 ), John's disciples just came and reported to him that Jesus had raised a young man out of a coffin.He then sends two of his disciples to ask Jesus was He the Expected One , or should we look for someone else(NASB) ,KJV reads Art Thou he that should come? Or look for another?

 Ok then Johns disciples go to Jesus and ask him, John wants to know are you the one. Jesus at that time cured many people of diseases , afflictions , evil spirits and gave sight to the blind. Jesus tells John's disciples to go tell him what they saw and in verse 23 he says something that hit me, "Blessed is he that does not take offense in me" (NASB). KJV reads "And Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offeded in me."

  Here we have John that was filled by the Holy Spirit in his mothers womb ( Elisabeth) at the announcement of Mary's pregnancy (Luke 1: 39-45) You would think Elisabeth told John as he was growing up about Mary being the mother of Jesus.

 Then we see John baptizing in Bethabara beyond Jordan ( John 1:29-34) and said  in verse 34 "I myself have seen the Son Of God.

  This astounds me and sends a fear of not being offended , could it be that being offended at Jesus cost John his head ? Just sayin.  You have heard the old saying a dead man can't be offended, it seems to me that being dead is the best way to live. Amen

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