I am continually taken back by the way most Christians segregate their lives into neighborhoods of varying influence regarding Christ. They never fully integrate Christ into the fabric of all they do, think or say. They hold back in reality. Is it trust, or faith or simply not knowing Christ? It is an issue of Lordship but if I may change the language it is an issue of knowing His love for them. I am continually taken back by the love of God for me, for mankind. It is like seeing the ocean, so vast for the first time and then you get to place your feet into it and the waves touch and then cover your steps and you have nothing that says you stepped into these waves its as if you belonged there. It constantly altars who I am. I in this overflow of awe find that I cannot remain the same. And to think that I would not allow Him to write my story I loose my breathe in a death like gasp. I tell you this is more then important to each of us to allow Jesus to rule over all that we are, it is life. I wish I could impart the urgency I feel on this.
Success can neutralize you. It can come as wealth, a great reputation, even living in happiness that makes you oblivious to life. You may be well known for this or that, you may go to lands doing this or that but why and to what measure is the contour of the space you entered changed to reveal the Lord? All of these things and more are good gifts in themselves. Some of us get the whole package. Which is not a bad thing. But if we take these things each one or all and live within them for our own gain alone we have failed. We have been mislead and misapplied. We have been neutralized to having no eternal effect. Do all that you do as unto God. What or who is the object of your affection? Some may say, well yes I have no problem with this. Your life style may appear kind or unaffected but if I am with you or that which you own or effect do I walk away with knowing God or being enlarged with Him? If you have wealth today you have this responsibility to set it before God and to ask how may I build storehouses for You?