This was a dream I had right before COVID-19 in Feb. 2020


I had a dream our city had gotten word that hundreds of people were heading to our city because everyone in their city was dying and the would be traveling on foot, horse or wagon.  The people started arriving the next day men, women, children, and pets.  Many were running high fevers and very sick.  I remember being upset that they'd brought this into my city for us to possibly catch.  Over the next few days people started passing away.  Dogs were chasing other animals.  The dogs also looked like they had rabies and going wild.  I remember being out and climbed up on a very large piece of construction or farming equipment.  I looked out across the distance across a cliff and saw normal looking animals running for their life from extremely large and oversize animals (tree-top high).  I remember going into survival mode and thinking what are we going to do.  When I asked someone in town what this was I saw a print that came off the fax machine that said FLUZ.  Flu 2?  I remember thing this is definitely not the flu, this is something the government has done.  I feel like the government has created a new vaccine or chemical agent that will be released soon and it will be bad.

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