2 Cor 10:12 We are not contesting with those who desire to commend themselves! While they compete and compare with one another they completely miss the point; they fail to comprehend our joint I am-ness! (The word, sunieimi is to fully comprehend, from sun, a preposition denoting union, and eimi, I am)10:13 Why boast in something you can take absolutely no credit for! The only valid measure that defines our lives and explains why we have arrived on your doorstep with the gospel, is the one with which God has measured us in Christ.(One cannot measure temperature with a ruler. The word ephikneomai, from epi, continual influence upon, and hēkō, to have come, to have arrived, to be present. See Romans 6:14, Sin was your master while the law was your measure; now grace rules. [The law revealed your slavery to sin; now grace reveals your freedom from it.]Also Romans 3:27 The law of faith cancels the law of works, which means there is suddenly nothing left for man to boast in. No one is superior to another. Bragging only makes sense if there is someone to compete with or impress.“Through the righteousness of God we have received a faith of equal standing.” See 2 Pet 1:1 RSV The OS (operating system) of the law of works is willpower; the OS of the law of faith is love. Gal 5:6 Love sets faith in motion. The law presented man with choices; grace awakens belief! Willpower exhausts, love ignites!If choices could save us we would be our own Saviors! Willpower is the language of the law, love is the language of grace and it ignites faith that leads to romance; falling in love beats “making a decision to believe in love”! See Rom 7:19)10:14 Our ministry to you is proof that there are no geographic limitations that could possibly exclude you from the gospel of Jesus Christ!10:15 We are not competing with others for your membership; our vision for you is to see your faith mature into a full harvest; this is our standard rule, we have no other expectation! To the same degree that your faith matures, our field among you is greatly increased!10:16 You become the extension of our sphere of influence as we together reach neighboring regions beyond yourselves. The gospel is the key role-player here! (Mirror Bible) Ron Ross" height="335" width="503" />
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