Closer To The Light
When I began this Christian journey, I thought that each day I would grow and grow until I was truly a good and righteous man. I thought that each time I looked inside of my heart there would be less to deal with because righteousness was coming upon me. I thought that my growth would be, “to be more like Jesus”. I thought that maybe I would grow into a spiritual giant. If I am to be honest with God and myself, it is obvious that this is not the case.
While on this journey, I have been walking closer each day to “the light”. The light is getting brighter, the closer I get to Him. The revelations from His Word are unveiled and I think I am getting spiritually smarter; but I have encountered a problem. The problem is that the closer to the light I get, the more of me I see. The view from my perspective is that the evidence of my life this day will condemn me from meeting the perfection, or from making the righteous mark. When I take an honest inventory of my life each day, I am more convinced that it will take His righteousness and His grace for me to make the grade.
I have discovered in this walk of Christianity that it is not about me being perfect, but about being truthful and honest: honest with myself and honest with God. I cannot pull off perfection; but I can walk in truthfulness and honesty. I may not be more righteous and perfect, but I am more in love with my Savior. The closer to the light I get, the more of me I see; the view from here seems sad but the truth shall set me free. The longer I live the more I need a Savior. Could it be that our growth will be in the area of love and not perfection?
Just a thought for today,