"Blessed are the hungry, for they shall be filled." Jesus Christ
Hunger is an escort into the deeper things (sustenance and nature) of God. (Misty Edwards) Maintaining hunger is a spiritual discipline that is directly connected to desire and desperation for God Himself.
Hunger ignites the release of a passion that is born in the basic-core need for His presence and His personal attributes. We simply feast on Him, who He truly is!
As hunger is satisfied, we are spiritually nourished with Father's Heart, His gifts, and His fruit. It is there that we can impart and impact those in our daily sphere of influence with Holy Spirit.
We no longer do the "religious shuffle" of throwing memorized scripture "crackers" or "pseudo/pop caloric empty" principles at the starving world around us! We are instead full to running over with the Actual Person of Jesus! He splashes out of us with sustenance and Joy not known to the 'religious' crowd! We feed the thousands with baskets full of "Heavenly bread-Jesus" and still have leftovers for the myriads yet to feed!
Go and share the nourishing Gospel of Jesus Christ! Make disciples, teaching them the truths of Kingdom life. They will become "chefs" and "servers" of Holy Spirit's abundance!
A servant at the Banquet table of Jesus! Ron Ross