My friends, thank you for reading if you do what I write. I hope I do not burden you with mere words. I simply get up living in the middle of a corn field with little but me and my thoughts. Which I pray are stirred by my faith that God is with me. So since I have few to share them with I pick on you. I know most never read them and I know my language can be odd. But for those who do thank you and I pray you find life. Michael
Birthing the true promise of God
written by Michael McBane
I want to write today of spiritual promise and hope. I write to dispel hope deferred. I write because I have with my wife held what I write of in our own life since the late 70’s. We have stories that have been still born, miscarried over and over. By the grace of God we have not given up. It is because we could not for it was unshakable the knowing we have had within that said this is God and I will bring it forth. We are graced to have our children carry this with us. That is not only a gift it is essential to what we have carried. It enlarges the saturation of the promise that God planted in us as really being from Him.
But what burdens us in this hour is that so many younger men and women are indifferent to what so many have carried for decades. They do not see that it is for them and those who are being born. The men and women who have walked before them have carried the hope within. Unfortunately many have not done well in relating to their children, they have not understood the purpose of weaving life together one generation to the next. The battle has been hard and the waters have been hard to navigate. Wisdom has been lacking and unfortunately the church community has not always helped but at times increased the gap between the continuity of life between generations. Parents have given their children over to something rather then seeking the face of God for the unique purpose that was intended for them and their children. The bridge of faith has not spanned as it must over the generations. I pray that the examples I will share will help eradicate the indifference. And a merging will will begin.
The best example to begin with is the hope of bearing a child as a married couple. You as a couple have shared a certain joy in the unison of purpose and that has grown to the desire to birth a child. Just that desire can burn deep within with hope and expectation. You dream. There are times when that desire lingers and for some it never manifests but for most it seems to be locked within the odd timing of God. Of God inducing the purpose of life within a womb as a child. But that infusion is just the beginning as the women’s body emerges into a blossom of life. And she goes through various changes. The man or father can be empathic or he can emotionally depart. My point is this gestation seems forever and the changes can be hopeful but long. Yet joy comes in the morning. The joy of a child coming forth can be lost in the implosion of the day to day. The dreaming for many turns to preparation, to gathering essentials, painting and praying into the life these parents are going to steward. Each day builds towards a new beginning that will in itself launch a daily set of fresh objectives. This is a spiritual event that has a manifestation into humanity.
And so it can be with a vision that God sets within the heart of someone or a collective group.There is the season of aspiration where creative thinking stirs the waters of a spirit and soul to merge into a purpose. Only God can account for the time that is between one day of creative desire and a manifestation of it in reality. At times it comes forth only to die after a short season. This births hope and even a greater desire because possibility has been served to us by the Holy Spirit. If we take the birth of a child as a beginning we will then see that it grows and the life of such a child is filled with changes. Growth spurts, learning curves, upheavals of multiple variety. Conflicts. Nurturing of purpose and even diversions. And so it can be with a vision that truly belongs to God. If it does truly belong to God it is held in His time and it is given for His sake. But a lesson that often troubles parents is the letting go so that a child truly has the freedom to become its destiny.
There are things that bring a season or seasons that troubles us, they bury life and nurture a hope deferred. But will God not bring to birth what He has placed in the womb?
But unless a seed fall to the ground and die can it come forth. Thus we have the way of God. The life that gravities to a union of living for the sake of God will often see a vision die and die deeply. Because it is for the Lord and if this be so it is also going to come forth in the precise time of God. He wants to maximize its potential.
Yet if a vision or dream is from God we must know if it comes forth it is for His names sake. So the process in between is to cleanse it from all of the stuff that we attach to it which will limit its life. God wants to birth life to its fullest potential. That is why I speak of generational hope and expression being a intricate part of this resurrection. There are times when we must be intentional in how we approach the purposes of God. If we see it we must step towards it in the spirit and our mindsets. We must be deliberate in our thinking and the patterns we choose to adapt to, we must be deliberate in life choices to go towards particulars. Even when we see little evidence of its manifestation. We may not know the hows or whys but that is not bad. Our faith is ignited in saying yes, daily.
My wife was given an example recently to enlarge the burden that we personally carry. She was told by the Lord of a couple who had five conceptions and all died prematurely. Through miscarriages. But they had been told prior to even the first conception by the Lord that they would have a child. From the beginning they sparked with hope and with excitement. They dreamed of the child and what it might be. Even though the children would miscarry the couple still would come alive every time, hope was renewed in conception. As time went on they would grow weary. Their friends began to pull away not knowing how to relate and the couple could feel that many thought they should give up. They even tried to adopt but it would not materialize. Time went on and they even began to grow faint in hope for the common things of life. But deep within God had put a seed and He is faithful. The enemy of God had stolen over and over. But God would not forget. In fact He was adding to the treasure for when they would finally conceive and the baby grew without infraction and came forth the abundance of joy, vision and life was exponentially bigger then it would have been. It was as if all five children were born at once.
Though it may seem as though the opportunity to live fully in the dreams of hope that God has birthed in many of us is dwindling down, I do believe many will see them bloom in the near days. These days would say trouble is brewing nothing will live. That is the climate of the calling forth of God. Therefore do we not have the hope that what we have carried will birth! We have been sifted of much, and with ill intent but God has been for us. It is not us, nor our strength but the life of the Lord within us that will come forth. Hopefully that is what remains and we should be so grateful. The days have been long, we are not the same. Some days if you are like us feel as if there is not much left and then a flame emerges if only for a moment that gives us grace to remember that God does not lie.
I strongly believe that not a single generation will come forth it is not the way of God. He is about family. So there will be a return and a gathering and much of what has divided will fall to the ground and a fresh rain will renew the life among us. Many have carried purpose within and have not seen its birth they have gone on but now they sit within a cloud of witnesses watching to see if there are those who will not carry their own purpose forth but allow the Lord to form His purpose. If we allow this truth to form as a seed deep within it is held by the Holy Spirit. He watches over His word to perform it. It is good to carry the purpose of God to hide it for its time. We must recognize the the Kingdom is large, it expands across eternity. So what we carry if it is a seed planted by the Lord will endure.
As for me and my house we are graced to serve the Lord. And we will seek His face to live in Him as our provision. We pray that that provision will manifest so that we can see what we have carried for nearly 40 years come forth in full potential. May this be for others as well.