Battle of the Two Towers
A Prophetic Picture
By: Alan Smith
In the early morning, my spirit was unsettled as I listened to the news of the day. I could tell the spirit of the Lord was wanting to reveal something to me. It was then that I found myself caught up in the imagery that was forming in my spirit.
I saw a battle between two towers. There was a great storm with an earthquake that shook the two towers. They swayed back and forth as the storm was raging. There was intense lightning and thundering, so loud that it sent fear into all who heard the storm roar.
In my spirit I “heard” an understanding. One tower’s name was Globalism and the other was Nationalism (Patriotism). I knew there were many in the tower called Globalism, and only a few in the tower called Nationalism (Patriotism). I then knew the tower called Globalism was trying to tear down and destroy the identity of the tower called Nationalism (Patriotism). I began to pray for this terrible storm: that there would be survivors in the tower called Nationalism (Patriotism), and that it would prevail.
After this vision ended, I felt I needed to find out the meaning. So, I started looking for the location in New York City of the United Nations Building. I felt this was probably the hub of Globalism. Then I wondered the location of Trump Tower in New York City, for I knew Donald Trump embraces Nationalism (Patriotism). I was totally shocked when I saw the picture. Trump World Tower is directly across the road from the United Nations Building. There was my vision. The battle of the two towers, a prophetic picture.
The United Nations Building is the gray, 3-tier building on the left, and the Trump World Tower is the tallest, black one on the right.
Is there any significance to Trump Tower towering over the UN?
So please allow me to share a Vision I had during worship at a church in California on October 5, 2018. As the worship leader, Steffany Gretzinger, led us in a spontaneous worship of the song "Jesus, Jesus," superimposed right in front of me, I beheld the Capitol Building of the United States of America. Swirling above the dome and spreading out above the entire building and surrounding landscape was a vicious hurricane. Angry, angry lightening flashed and the winds roared from the blue/black circling mass of clouds. I leaned into the Vision to see where I might find the Light of God or Jesus, and nowhere, God was nowhere to be seen. Then, in the midst of the Vision, I became aware of the worship and Steffanie started singing, "The Giants are coming down. The Giants are coming down, The Giants are coming down," over and over, and something about Jesus winning and Him having it under control. Then she began to sing, "Nothing, nothing absolutely is too difficult for Me." (referring To God)
Then after the worship session, Eric Johnson said that God is saying, "I am giving you a new operating system." Galatians 4:19 "Where you are going you don't need an update or virus scan, you need a whole new operating system."
Interestingly, the name of this conference was "Open Heavens" and I I said, October 5, 2018.