A few years ago, I woke up from a dream. I wrote it down because it was too real not too. I think it's a reminder of where we as Believers are supposed to be walking and a call to all of us that have forgotten or that have never heard that call.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Yesterday I woke up from a dream. In this dream I was in a church of a main stream denomination and I was asked to help take up the offering even though I was visiting for the first time. After I helped The ushers disappeared so I asked were I could find them to give them the offering I helped to receive. I was givin directions and I set out to find them. The next thing I knew I was worshiping the Lord Jesus on the floor up front. The song was Isiah 61:1 "The spirit of the sovereign God is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good news."
Next I saw myself setting in a car beside a dirt road and a lady stole a carton of cigarettes out of the seat (These cigarettes were not mine). I chased her down and tried to get them back. I got into the pickup truck she placed them in and started gathering them back out. She said..." GIVE THEM BACK!!!" I told her gi'me got her hands broke. Her man realized I was not going to back down so he said... "Hey man lets just calm down. Smoke a joint." I yield..."NO SIR I DO NOT SMOKE POT! MARIJUANA IS ILLEGAL." A police officer then stepped in behind him and the lady's man then Made the Goat's Head with his hand and started casting a spell over me. I touched my right index finger between the horns and said..." In the name of Jesus I plead the Blood of Jesus against you and your power is broken in the name of Jesus." I then looked him in the eyes and started to prophecy..."Before this night is through you will be saved. The Lord Jesus Christ will pay you a visit and you will be saved before this night ends. Do you understand?" He looked me in the eyes and said... "Yes Sir." He was then escorted off by an usher.(This was at the same church after service).
I the turned and tried to return to the car but I heard..."I NEVER SAW ANYTHING! I CAN'T SEE." At that point I felt the spirit tell me to pray for him to receive his sight. I looked at the cigarettes and arm loaded and all I went to pray for him. As I prayed for him I felt a terrible burden on him and I prayed for it to be taken from him. Before I could pray for his sight I woke up. The blind man was the police officer that stepped behind the warlock. He was blinded at some point during the confrontation.
This dream is a direct example of the authority we have in Christ. In so much that we can break the power of the most powerful Warlock and proclaim his salvation in the same breath. "No weapon formed against us will prosper." There is so much in Isiah that you could stay there and never deplete the source.
Give God the Glory. He is The Lord Most High. No other god can stand next to him. There are many that be called gods but there is only one true and living God and Jesus Christ his son is the only way to heaven. All roads do not lead to the same place.