God’s heart for his Church in this season is to grow and develop something established in Kingdom identity as an expression of Christ’s life through us. His call to his church at this time is to bring heaven down to earth and to gather together those who desire to grow in his ways and be committed to praying together.
In this way we establish Kingdom principles and experience God’s presence in our midst. Our goal should be to seek God’s face, search the Scriptures and birth the principles of the Kingdom in our lives.
There is a special place in the mind and heart of the Lord for those whom he has called apart. Thus, his word: "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20) is so important because he doesn’t want anyone to be left out simply because they don’t fit into the structures they observe around them.
For his called-out people, it’s easy to become satisfied with the blessings of a personal devotional life; but there are areas of revelation and spiritual function that cannot be fulfilled in a personal relationship, only. For some time, the Lord has been saying: "The healing and deliverance that Jesus did through a single body in his first coming, he will again do through a corporate body in His second coming."
There are many things that have been locked up inside God’s people. These are things the Lord has placed within to be revealed at a particular point in time – the Lord will release them.
He wants to take you much further in your walk with him and in your experience of his Holy Spirit in your life – further than you can imagine. In fact, he wants to take you by the hand and take you so far that you could feel isolated and alone. But it’s not a bad thing – he will take you deeper and deeper into an experience and understand of the things of God – like going down the floors of a house.
We are to be like the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32) “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do;”
There’s a shift happening throughout the globe at present. Those who are wise would seek to know the times and seasons. One of the things that is a sign that God is about to do something is the removing and the raising up of spiritual leaders and of political leaders. Daniel 2:21 tells us, “He changes the times and the seasons; he removes kings and raises up kings;” The situation in Egypt right now is a prime example of the need for us to pray into world events as they unfold around us. It shows us how events taking place in a small country in the Middle East can have a massive global impact.
About a year ago, Lou Engle (the founder of The Call in the USA) made a significant statement:
“There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens and great revolutions for good or evil spring up in the vacuum created by these openings. In these historic moments, key men and women and even entire generations risk everything to become the hinge of history, the pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing.”
The Lord is looking for a people to fulfill his purposes here on the earth and, at the risk of sounding crazy, there are three questions that come to mind:
Why not us?
Why not here?
Why not now?
He’s looking for a people who are prepared to activate the principles and practices of restoration in a safe environment of love - to take hold of his ways and his laws to appropriate and actualize the gospel in their lives.
His heart is to see us as corporate lovers of Jesus and friends of God - those who are striving for the unity of the Spirit. The best thing we could do at present is to keep our heads down and not get entangled with the things that would hold us back from unquestioning obedience to his voice so that we do things only in step with him.
We assume that the ‘majority’ changes the world; in reality most world-changes happen through one person or a small group of people. Whether it was Moses, Daniel and his friends, Nehemiah or John the Baptist, the scripture is full of stories of how the Lord used small, insignificant numbers of people to bring about massive change in the world. The encouragement the Lord wants to bring to his church is not “you have the solution” but, “You are the solution”!