Without a Vision My People Perish
by Lindie Gibson
( this is a word from the Lord I received in a visitation from the Lord one night....)
" Without a vision My people perish....
.... The vision I wish My people to see is not a glimpse into the future, as you may think. The vision I long for you to behold and desire with all your heart - is a vision of Me. For when you see Me, you shall be like Me, and when you behold Me in all my fullness, your cup will be more than full; it shall be overflowing. And when your cup overflows, it will be My Spirit that overflows - overflowing into other cups that I have created and ordained to carry New Wine - which is My Spirit.
When you began your journey, you saw Me through a glass darkly, for you were not yet containing nor reflecting the image of who I am. Yet, I have, by My Spirit, put within your heart - a burning desire to see Me face to face. In the past, you have sought to know My ways, but the time has come for you to know Me.
Do not look to My hands to see what I will do, but rather, look into My eyes, for in them, you will see Perfect Love. When you look into My eyes, you shall know - but not in part - the breadth and length and depth and height of My love for you, and therefore be filled with all the fullness of Me.
So open wide the windows of your soul and look. And when you walk in the fullness of Me, you will not only be partakers of the knowledge of who I am, but you will be the fulfillment of that mystery of which I have spoken to the hearts of men, in ages past. That which was hidden will now be revealed, for the time has come for Me to remove the veil.
In the beginning, man was made in the image of Me. I did not call him 'good', for he was perfect.... I walked with man in the garden. After the fall, I came to man in appointed times and places. And since the blood atonement was given, I once again dwell in man.
And like Paul, if you will press towards the mark of your high calling, your prize will be that you will be perfect - as I am Perfect. All I ask of you - is a repentant heart and a yielded will - and the Perfect will come. For I am that which is Perfect, and I am that which is come, and I desire to turn all the dry places of your heart into rivers of Living Water, so in turn, you will fill the hearts and lives of all who are hungry and weary and thirsty with My Spirit.
I am your Dayspring and I am the Father of Lights, and I am able to fulfill all that I have purposed for your life, and I will bring to perfection all that I have begun.
Just as I raised Lazarus from the dead, I am once more pouring My resurrection power into this world, to put back into that which was once - not dead, but sleeping. Once more, before the curtain falls on this age, I will visit the valley of dry bones and restore the flesh of My Spirit on to My people.
See to it that you do not become a 'Martha' and get ahead of My work and My plans. My name is not 'I am going to be' but 'I am' .
Look to Me as your Daily Bread, for I am that manna come down from Heaven, that will be new to you every morning.
See to it that you do not look back on that which has not been accomplished, for in that, you become like Lazarus' Mary. My name is not 'I was going to be' for I am that I am.... When I wept, it was not over Lazarus' death, for I had not yet visited the tomb. Rather, My tears were for Martha and Mary, who because of their unbelief, could not see Me for who I am.
So I have been visiting the houses that are mine, and sweeping them clean of all that is not of Me. When I am allowed to sweep under the rugs and remove all that has been hidden - even from the eyes of men, then those who have chosen to continue with Me, in spite of painful purging and cleaning; these will overflow with the fullness of My power and My Spirit.
See to it that you walk as a house of prayer every moment of the day. Do not allow thieves and robbers to enter in. Do not allow sin and unbelief to enter into your house.
Hold fast to all that I have promised you; not only in My Word, but also that which you carry in the innermost sanctuary of your heart.
Walk close to Me and hear My heartbeat, and walk in that beat. Walk with Me daily in the garden of your heart.
And listen to My voice; for there are many voices gone out into the world - all of them with significance.... But if you will listen to Me - listen to My voice - you will know My voice and not be led astray.... into that which appears to be right and good, but is not of Me.
Do not lay your hand to those things that I have promised you, and thereby quench and grieve My Spirit. For it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit that My resurrection power will flow.
Remain a steadfast house of prayer, and you will become My Isaac, and through you - I will birth many Isaacs. For you are My chosen seed; the fulfillment of My promise to Abraham.
Just as I wrote My commandments on the tablets I gave to Moses, so have I written My commandments on the tablets of your heart. Just as I led My people out of captivity and through the wilderness, I am once again that pillar of fire by night - your burning flame of hope - to lead you through the darkness of this age.
Keep your eyes fixed on Me, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, nor lead you astray... Cease your murmurings, that you may enter into My rest, and inhabit the land that I have prepared and promised you.
Believe.... Believe.... Believe....
Believe all the words that I have given you, and cherish them, for it is My Word that will bring forth the glory I desire and the deliverance you seek. Those who trust in Me will never be confounded.
Just as Adam missed the mark and My glory departed, I am that Mark.... I am the 2nd Adam, and I am the Glory and the Lifter of your head. Let Me lift your head now, so that you can look into My eyes....."
Thanks so much for this post. I teach on Wednesday night a prophetic class. I will be using your vision in this weeks teachings. Thanks