The earth is Yours and everything in it belongs to you Heavenly Father. There’s a stirring in Your children and their hearts are returning to You. No more will they be deceived by wander-lust.
Lord, I decree by the authority given by Christ my Savior, that Your children SEE You. They see that You are dressed for battle.
I decree by the authority given by Christ my Savior that Your children HEAR. They hear the war cry has sounded.
Lord, Your children are arising out of their sleepy state and with a fervent pursuit they return to HOLINESS. Our city stands in battle formation. Ready for the great Harvest. Ready for our coming King. We declare we are an Elijah generation that wages war on the complacency of the day. We are the generation that hears the REVOLUTION call.
We receive healing for the land of our heart. We choose to walk in unity with those counted in our number. We are laborers that are willing to go into the trenches to reap the harvest.
We are FORERUNNERS dressed for BATTLE. We declare that we are the generation that will call out in the wilderness. We are the generation that will offer a place of refuge in Christ. A refuge of WHOLENESS and HOLINESS.
We stand against the current idols, and declare that there is no God like our God. Lord manifest Your HOLY fire though Your children, we are vessels used to manifest Your holy FIRE that will consume and restore Your family.
Lord, we know the Kingdom of Heaven is NOW. On earth as it is in Heaven! Let Your name be declared to the nations. Show Yourself strong. Reveal Your FIERCE LOVE! In Jesus Name! Amen.