"So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, and be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives. Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn't know any better then, you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, 'I am holy; you be holy.'"You call out to God for help and he helps--he's a good Father that way. But don't forget, he's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get by with sloppy living." 1 Peter 1:13-17, MsgDo you ever talk to yourself? Well, I also write to myself. And if you benefit, I'm glad. So, here goes-some personal observations of the journey.Peter's view or perspective fits me perfectly. Each of his admonitions and encouragements shake, rattle, and roll my soul. The end result is very pleasant though: growth, wholeness and sharing God's life and holiness. As many of my friends have said to me over the years--'the further along this journey I travel, the more I see how much I need a Savior.' How about you?The imagery in this passage is so relevant: rolling up our sleeves, putting our mind in gear, being totally ready to receive, keeping our hope pure with the return of Jesus always in view, applying whatever measure is necessary to keep the old grooves of evil at bay, and dying daily to what I feel like doing. Man that sounds a lot like being a disciple of Jesus.Self discipline and 'working out our salvation with fear and trembling' are two of the hallmarks of this journey. I must confess, I often whine about each of these growth processes. But, I can also say, whenever I practice them by the Grace of Jesus, I am never disappointed.The result is living in the flow of God's energetic, blazing, set apart life! The most important ingredient for me is allowing (by obedience to the process) Papa to pull me into a life shaped by His life. Bottom line-he is a good and responsible Father. He will call his children beyond living a sloppy life! Yea God! No, really, Yea God!Next: "Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ's sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately--at the end of the ages--become public knowledge. God always knew he was going to do this for you. It's because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God", 1 Peter 1:18-21, The Message.Hum mm, life-a journey? Sometimes it feels more like a bad trip. And then, there are times when it feels like a wonderful, all expenses paid, three month vacation in a tropical paradise. Either way, it is a journey.In these four verses of scripture are all the wisdom, understanding, encouragement and insight you need to make the journey and finish well. Could it really be this simple? Yes and no. Yes, if you apply your faith to these truths. No, if you continue to bounce around in the dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in.So here’s the $64m dollar question—“Do you want me to penetrate your soul with life-changing power, or would you prefer that I satisfy your curiosity with academic knowledge? I really thought I’d be further ahead on my spiritual journey by now. But I’m reminded every day that I’m still a long way off from thinking and feeling and living like Your Son.(SO)You’re troubled. So was My Son. In Gethsemane He was ‘troubled and deeply distressed’ (Mark 14:33NKJV). His life was by no means always emotionally pleasant. And His death was horrible. The prospect of the cross unnerved Him.”"It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in."We were not an afterthought or plan 'B'. Our value to Papa is without measure. Our response to Him must become as un-measured. God had His eye on us as the objects of His lavish love, before He laid the foundations of the earth. I can't give you a better word picture than Max Lucado from his wonderful book ‘No Wonder They Call Him Savior’.The Main Event"History has only one Main Event, Man-kinds time line is dotted with important moments...The first spark from the first flint, The rolling of the first wheel, The treating of the first wound, Who dares minimize these events? But, who dares compare them with THE CROSS? History has only ONE MAIN EVENT.Scripture has only ONE MAIN EVENT. Others matter, but only one is essential. The story of Jericho might stir you, but, falling walls can't redeem you. Moses will give you direction for the wilderness, but, no solution for your sin-David's defeat of Goliath might reduce your timidity, but, only THE CROSS prepares you for eternity! Scripture has only ONE MAIN EVENT.Even in the life of Jesus, there is only ONE MAIN EVENT! For if there is no CROSS OF CHRIST-then there is no truth to Christ. And when it comes to your life, the same is true, to remove THE CROSS, is to remove the hinge pin from the door of Hope, The door of your Hope! If there is no CROSS, then there is no sacrifice for sin. And if there is no sacrifice for sin, how will you face a sinless God? Will you cleanse yourself from your own sin? If there is no CROSS OF CHRIST, then there is no resurrection, how will you live again? Will you push back your own grave? Forgiveness of sin, deliverance from death-these are the claims of the CROSS.Let there be no mistake-the CROSS is not an event in history...It is THE EVENT OF HISTORY!"THE CROSS makes the journey worthwhile, possible, hopeful, purposeful, doable, sure…In the grip of Papa’s Grace, Ron Ross